Recent content by Liucija

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    can chickens have crab shell
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    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

  3. L

    First time dealing with a Broody hen

    I usually keep them solitary for a few days, and then they stop after that
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    What's your favorite chicken breed(s) for pets and/or being affectionate.

    my salmon faverolle does that . . . almost like a dog, shes so gentle and sweet!
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    EMERGENCY. One ducking died, now another acts sick?

    she'll go out once in a while, but she doesnt forage. weve been throwing bugs and food n the ground, but she barely notices. she just snuggles when no one but her and her friends are out, but if their are any other chickens she'll just hide in places the whole time their out:(
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    Duckling unable to walk and acting funny

    I know there is something you can put around chick legs to help splays, but thats different, and it looks bad. so sorry! best wishes for duckling
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    EMERGENCY. One ducking died, now another acts sick?

    we had a similiar problem. our salmon faverolle chick was friends with our turkey, and the turkey died.:( now our chick is super friendly to us and her bunny friends, but only gets along with 2 other chickens once in a while. but were the only ones she gets along with perfectly. she stays in her...
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    What breed is this hen? Owner listed her as a Starlight Green Egger but she lays pink eggs

    I've had some trouble with the starlight green egger as well as the red star chicken, just I thought mine was a red star. red stars can look just like starlight green eggers but they lay brown- tan/cream eggs.
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    What breed is my chickie?

    I'm not sure, but she looks a bit like my rhode island red as a growing chick
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    Carmel the chicken

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    Carmel the chicken

    Hi! earlier this year I got a chicken that we had know idea what she was we figured out over time that she was most likely a red star, ( she is the orange striped one). then she began to lay her eggs, and we didn't know what she was again. then we found out about the starlight green egger, which...
  12. L

    What's your favorite chicken breed(s) for pets and/or being affectionate.

    I think salmon faverolles are the sweetest little hens ever
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