Recent content by LoisAnneMT

  1. LoisAnneMT

    Found very skinny kittens, need some info?? Pictures added.

    I had two senior cats die this past month at ages 15 and 17. I wanted to have Siameses again for the next generation. I mentioned this to a neighbor in passing last week. After church on Sunday, my neighbor dropped off a 5 week old feral kitten that was born under his house. She is a Siamese...
  2. LoisAnneMT

    Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

    I love this idea. Haven't built the coop yet, still marinating on lots of ideas. Nice clean coop by the way.
  3. LoisAnneMT

    Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

    I am glad to see this thread get started. I will be starting a new small flock of lavenders after I move, hopefully by fall... Will keep watch in the meantime.
  4. LoisAnneMT

    Help baby duck has problems walking

    It sounds like your duckling has spraddle legs. It is caused by trying to walk on slick surfaces. If it is an older duckling, check the protein content of his feed. It may need to be reduced. First put paper towels, shavings or some sort of bedding down that will give him traction. Then...
  5. LoisAnneMT

    My new batch arrived unexpectedly yesterday!

    I am still learning about chickens and their care until I can get my own flock started. From all of the material I have read, the general consensus seems to be that if you handle your chicks as much as possible in the early days, they will tame down easier. Apparently there is an imprint...
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