Recent content by louisechickens

  1. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    Thank you all so much for all your help, you've all been amazing. I dont think autopsies are something generally done on chickens here in Australia; Storm has been buried anyway now. We check the chickens behaviour thoroughly every day, however this definitely just came on very suddenly. She...
  2. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    Hello everyone, Thank you so so much for responding and helping. With gave her a bit of olive oil last night, and for a little while, she sounded better! She wasn’t as rattly and didn’t sound as raspy. However, we’ve gone to bed last night, and woken up early to check on her. Unfortunately...
  3. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    Her comb is duller than the other chickens, but still standing up
  4. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    Thank you so much for both responding! We are going to mask up and put on some gloves, and isolate her in a laundry basket for the night. I sounds a bit cruel, but she’s not really moving much anyway. We will take her to the vet tomorrow morning. Another question I have, is it still safe to...
  5. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    Her comb still looks okay, and its still standing up. We have like a plastic tub that we could isolate her in. I could really grab her and catch her if I had to do something like medication, it's more just that I'm anxious i would infect myself or one of our other animals with something now...
  6. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    I could try and catch her but she has hidden herself at the moment right in the bush. I do worry though that it will cause her more harm than good, as shes not used to handling. Her mouth is open at every breath in at the moment, and its looking kind of grey. It almost looks like her tongue...
  7. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    Hello, thank you so much for responding so quickly, I cant see any egg that is stuck, but all the feathers that would ordinarily stand up that are below her vent are angled down Nostrils look totally clear to me, and I couldnt see any kind of discharge. We cant see anything inside her mouth...
  8. L

    Desperate Help Needed

    Hello, I've joined this forum specifically because I need help with one of our chickens. We have four, and they all live in a hutch and run, and get let out into a bigger fenced off area each morning, and then locked back in each night. This morning, we went to let them out as usual. They all...
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