Recent content by LovinChicknFarmn

  1. LovinChicknFarmn

    7 1/2 week old chicks...can they be outside?

    Yeah, if they are feathered they can go outside. They're good to go.
  2. LovinChicknFarmn

    pic of chick. what is it?

    Yeah, that looks like a Silkie to me too.
  3. LovinChicknFarmn

    Hen-raised chicks and pasted vents

    I'd keep an eye on it. We had one chick one year who had the most awful pasty bum and I'd go out and clean him off from time to time. I think I had to do it two or three times. In our case, Mama didn't worry with it. I'd just take a wet washcloth that I'd gotten wet in warm water and clean off...
  4. LovinChicknFarmn

    Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

    You get a chicken cookie jar for Christmas and a painting of chickens for your birthday.
  5. LovinChicknFarmn

    Broody Hen... But no eggs.

    Does she look "mangy"? Is she missing any feathers? If so, she's molting. But, it's also possible that she's too young to lay yet. Like you said, he just grabbed some up from the lot of them. She may have been younger. Wait it out. And, watch that comb! Good luck.
  6. LovinChicknFarmn

    Broody Hen... But no eggs.

    That doesn't sound broody to me. She may be thinking about laying and that's why she goes in and sits on them and checks them. If she were broody, she'd sit on the eggs all day and only get up once a day to eat and get water and maybe dust bathe and then go back and sit. A broody hen wants the...
  7. LovinChicknFarmn

    No eggs after the time change....:(

    It depends on the particular chicken. You sound like you've unluckily gotten a bunch that have all decided to stop completely for now. They'll start up again. When they start up also seems to depend on the particular chicken. Watch their combs. The combs go pink when they aren't laying. When...
  8. LovinChicknFarmn

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Another 4 out of 5 today!
  9. LovinChicknFarmn

    Molting in Winter? PIX

    Agree, agree, agree! She's molting all right. We had one last year molt in December. She looked like a Naked Neck. She looked terrible! But, she's fine. Your girl will be fine. And, she won't lay while she's molting and for a little while afterwards. They use too much energy to regrow feathers...
  10. LovinChicknFarmn

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    All of a sudden we've had a little pick up in egg production. We've been getting an egg or two if we're lucky every few days from 5 hens. One wasn't laying until this weekend! We just got her first egg! Super excited about that. Then to make things more excited on Monday we got 4 eggs from the 5...
  11. LovinChicknFarmn

    What snacks DON'T or chickens like???

    But we stay away from them entirely just to be safe.
  12. LovinChicknFarmn

    What snacks DON'T or chickens like???

    It's green potato peels you have to be careful about because they have a toxin in them that can poison chickens.
  13. LovinChicknFarmn

    Gender and POL soon?

    They may start soon! We've had some though who waited until spring. It just depends on the amount of daylight and the weather. This year we had one just start laying yesterday, so you never know! Hope you get some more to start laying soon.
  14. LovinChicknFarmn

    What snacks DON'T or chickens like???

    Our chickens practically like everything. They're little piglets. They each have different tastes though. One loves bread and pasta, but turns her nose up at lettuce and cabbage. I say it's because she can get greens in the yard anytime, but can't forage for bread. Greens are not a treat in her...
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