Recent content by LRavis

  1. L

    Hen or Roo

    Thank you!
  2. L

    Hen or Roo

    I have a new mixed flock of 20 week old pullets, but I am concerned my Black Australorp may be a roo. “She” may be laying though because I think she is the only one that will lay dark brown eggs out of my pearl star leghorns, amber links, barred rock, silver laced Wyandotte and Easter egger...
  3. L


    I finally got some permethrin concentrate so I’m curious what ratio I should use, I was only wanting to mix up about 8oz/1 cup of spray since I have a small flock at the moment...the bottle doesn’t give any directions on less than a gallon. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  4. L


    Thank you all for your suggestions. How do you spray the birds? Like can I use just a spray bottle or does it have to be like a pump spray?
  5. L


    So I purchased Martins permethrin concentrate, it says to use on poultry house but doesn’t say anything about being able to spray in the birds themselves, is this still ok?
  6. L


    So for the last two weeks I cleaned out the coop, sprayed it down with vinegar and put de down. I dusted all the hens. I did this every Sunday. So this week I checked the infested hen every day and didn’t see anything. Her feathers were starting to look much better by her back end area and her...
  7. L


    So for the last two weeks I cleaned out the coop, sprayed it down with vinegar and put de down. I dusted all the hens. I did this every Sunday. So this week I checked the infested hen every day and didn’t see anything. Her feathers were starting to look much better by her back end area and her...
  8. L


  9. L

    Still not laying...

    I sure hope Juliette decides to start laying in the spring too! Or sooner so I can stop worrying something is wrong with her :)
  10. L

    Still not laying...

    Our weather has been gray for a while now with a few days a week of sun, but my other hens are still laying so I didn’t think that was it. I don’t supplement light either. They do have a lot of fresh water daily, shes very alert, eats husband is worried we got a “dud” and is living...
  11. L

    Still not laying...

    I’ve posted about this before, but now I’m really starting to worry...I got a black australorp, along with three other breeds, the last week of July this year. I was told they were all about 14-18mths old. My black australorp laid one egg, and now she hasn’t laid since. I thought with the move...
  12. L


    Thank you for the information. Will DE not work to get rid of it?
  13. L


    I’m pretty certain one of my hens has lice...last weekend I cleaned out all the bedding and nesting boxes, sprayed with water/white vinegar, put DE everywhere, and dusted the hen and the other three who live in her coop/run with DE. I read that I should be repeating this process once a week for...
  14. L

    Sudden Hen Death

    Thank you, I just wish I could’ve done something more to save them. I only have two left now in that coop, I’m wondering if I should try and merge them, but am worried they may infect my other hens if it indeed something contagious. I cleaned everything out tonight, even their waterer and...
  15. L

    Sudden Hen Death

    We usually feed them in the morning and then again around four, around 7ish I bring them some veggie scraps if I have any from dinner, maybe some scratch, sunflower seeds from the garden, maybe a homemade suet cake (for extra protein with the molt)...does that sound like too much? I will say the...
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