Recent content by lsilvera

  1. lsilvera

    how to play with new chicks

    thank you very much--I'm going to boil an egg now!!!will look for other goodies too-- I really appreciate everyone who has chimed in to help me!
  2. lsilvera


    thank you--there is lots of different information out there!!!
  3. lsilvera

    how to play with new chicks

    thank you!!!! I just didn't want to hurt them by giving them something they couldn't handle yet!!!
  4. lsilvera


    Hi there--We live in Alamo, CA and got our first chicks last weekend. We have a buff orpington, a rhode island red, a black orloff and a Ameraucana--they are so cute! So far so good in the brooder--just figured out this morning as they were kicking the shavings into their water that it was...
  5. lsilvera

    how to play with new chicks

    Just got 4 little ones last week. Everything is going ok, but how do you socialize them? I don't want them to feel harassed, but when I put my hand in the brooder, they run! I tried giving them one small spinach leaf torn up and they seems to like that--but is it ok to even give them anything...
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