Recent content by lukem5

  1. lukem5

    Quietest hens?

    No laws prohibit me from having chickens. The houses here are packed like sardines and everything concrete so all sounds echos. I can literally hear my neighbors clipping their toenails from 12 feet away yes it sucks and its a horrible way to live - but its a Japanese neighborhood - this is...
  2. lukem5

    Red Cochin Bantam chicks dead after brief dunk in water

    Yes - never submerse their heads in water.. IF they ever do happen to submerse themselves, i think they are doomed unless you perform some kind of CPR. I think I could have saved them had I known how to open their mouths and gently inflate their lungs. I wish I thought of it earlier.. they must...
  3. lukem5

    Quietest hens?

    Thanks for the replies, I heard Buff orpingtons are generally quiet before so I think ill give em a shot. Mostly depends on personality from my research though with some breeds having louder tendency than others. Few exceptions for very quiet birds like japanese bantam (not a good layer tho)...
  4. lukem5

    Quietest hens?

    I am in a confined residential neighborhood, however I do have a small garden (200-300 sq ft) to let the birds run around in. They have to be quiet so neighbors who are literally 5 feet away can't hear them. I heard cochin bantams are pretty quiet and calm but do you guys have any other...
  5. lukem5

    Red Cochin Bantam chicks dead after brief dunk in water

    They were in an enclosure with waterer and heatlamp. I was giving them a bath in this situation though. Not sure how old but very young like i said 3" tall Id say less than 2 weeks. You didnt read the post (I dont blame u its a wall of text)
  6. lukem5

    Red Cochin Bantam chicks dead after brief dunk in water

    Summary: Summary 1-2 week old chicks dunked in cool (70f) water for ~10 seconds and died shortly after due to water in lungs and cold (I think) Unfortunately my once healthy and happy 2 red cochin chicks, pretty young about 3" tall, are now dead from either shock or drowning im not sure...
  7. lukem5

    Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

    After reading some of the pages in this thread I can see tatanka breeders aren’t giving or selling their line - which is understandable. If I wanted to start breeding out a line of bigger quail/ eggs where should I start? Any commercial breeders selling a line that would be a good starting point...
  8. lukem5

    Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

    Seems dumor is trash feed, wouldnt be surprised if it was contaminated. Although some feed seems to be batch dependant- one year its good the next it’s different. Im really interested in breeding bigger quail, any idea where I can get some fertile eggs? Thanks for all your hard work guys...
  9. lukem5

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks puhi, this helped me catch the big black flies all over the dog poo. Works like a charm for fruit flies but the black ones need the entrance on the ground like you said, thanks for the advice.
  10. lukem5

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Here's an idea; Step 1. Make a simple flytrap, plastic water bottle with top cut off, stick cut off top upside down into the opening you made. Step 2. Put fruit/fermented feed/whatever attracts flies and quails eat in bottom. Step 3. Put anywhere outside step 4. Profit. Great way to get...
  11. lukem5

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Cus Fat Daddy is hungry!
  12. lukem5

    Fermented Feed for Quail

    Fermented feed is working out great for me, less smell, better looking firmer poops and overall healthier happier birds.
  13. lukem5

    Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

    I dont see the problem 24% + liver + mealworms should be enough protein for them. Just ensure you have a constant supply of protein source and keep the feeding schedule consistent to rule out protein deficiency as a reason for birds not reaching desired size.
  14. lukem5

    Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

    Throw some whey/other protein source in with the feed to bring it up to ~30%
  15. lukem5

    we have one male, one female quail.. We are now getting eggs. Do we eat them or let her sit on them?

    Much less than 1 in a million... There is a thread that was posted just yesterday about a cotty that is raising 12 chicks from 17 eggs she went broody on.
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