Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

I am clearing out all my quail next weekend. Finding that my birds and eggs are smaller, and laying has all but stopped. Starting with new stock next spring and my whole breeding plan again. Biggest hurdle is a good, dependable feed supply. Really frustrated with local stores, cant seem to get feed above 24% protein... that's not going to work. Back to looking for a dependable feed supplier before I even think about this again
really disappointing. Thats barely enough for my turkeys let alone the quail!
Throw some whey/other protein source in with the feed to bring it up to ~30%

I raise mealworms and feed a lot to them, include chick grit and raw liver left from when I process other animals here.. I have a poor line, so am going with the breeder I found my goldens from, they are bigger then the jumbo line I have. Protein is the key part of keeping a line healthy and big. Its got me pretty frustrated.
I dont see the problem 24% + liver + mealworms should be enough protein for them. Just ensure you have a constant supply of protein source and keep the feeding schedule consistent to rule out protein deficiency as a reason for birds not reaching desired size.
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Meal worms are very high in fat. Best not to feed more than 1-2 per day per bird. Think of them like cupcakes with a little protien. Also at the point you feed any treats like meal worms you need fo provide digestive grit or your birds cant propey move nom water soluble foods.

One major factor that can hamper overall size is allowing chicks to run out of food. a couple of hours too long without food can change their entire physiology.

Their legs are getting stronger as their growth rate slows only 1 with walking troubles now. 5 weeks old today.
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Cleaned out the brooders on Tuesday evening, will be weighing / moving this batch into outdoor pens this weekend. Hatched on 11/16/14, 25 days old today.

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