Tatanka Breeders Club: Meat Quail project with history, discussion, pictures and videos

Hi everyone this is my first post on byc. I have been using it for reference for a year or so though.

I've got a half a dozen cots that weigh between 340g-360g at four weeks old but they seem to have some trouble walking is there any way to strengthen them or will they grow out of it?
Hi everyone this is my first post on byc. I have been using it for reference for a year or so though.

I've got a half a dozen cots that weigh between 340g-360g at four weeks old but they seem to have some trouble walking is there any way to strengthen them or will they grow out of it?
The only way I can think is to let them move around more to begin with as a preventative measure.

You could put water on one side of the cage and food on the other, this is how I encourage my caged quails to walk around however most I keep free range.

Check their feet for callouses/crap collecting.
here is a post by MobyQuail from feb. 2012 which may help.
Quail Pedi Day

Some of the big girls getting spoiled this morning, preventative, helps with callouses and easily removes poo balls on the toenails.

Notice how calm.

epsom salts with johnsons foot soap mixed with hot water poured over pine shavings to keep their footing stable.

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What kind of surface are the
Hi everyone this is my first post on byc. I have been using it for reference for a year or so though.

I've got a half a dozen cots that weigh between 340g-360g at four weeks old but they seem to have some trouble walking is there any way to strengthen them or will they grow out of it?

What kind of surface are they on? If they are on wire what is the spacing? At that size they might be having foot problems due to what they are walking on.
They were on 1/2" wire but I've moved them to the ground. I think the solid footing is helping. Their feet are perect it looks like their thighs are not strong enough to stand up straight they walk in half squat.
I'm researching about quail for the spring time to add to my meat/egg flocks and bunnies.

I'm located near Denver, CO. Idk if I would be considered for this type of project, but I am specifically looking for large meat/egg ratio. I can get cortunix or a&m, but would love to get this line. I have lots of leftover 1/2" hardware cloth to build them cages with and can attach them to the buildings inside my chicken pens or near my rabbitry
this is my chicken/duck condo area. I have 2 other chicken pens/coops and 2 meat does in my beginning rabbitry.
Cleaned out the brooders & weighed some birds last night. These were hatched on 11/16/14, 19 days old now. As per the standard we are looking for 130g @ 21 days. Looks like all but 1 (late hatch runt) will make the 21 day mark.

And here's 1/2 of the batch that was hatched on 11/26/14. Weights at 9 days old. Looking for 80g at 14 days old to meet the standards. I thing the majority of these will get there.


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