Recent content by luvmychixandducks

  1. luvmychixandducks

    FFA Poultry Auction Topsfield Fairgrounds Topsfield MA October 17 Sale at noon

    Sale at Poultry barn on Fairgrounds. Birds must be NPIP tested in order to be sold. Waterfowl and pigeons exempt from test requirement. Consigners receive 75% with local FFA receiving 25%. Consignments received beginning 9AM Sunday 17th. Donations encouraged. Food and drinks available from FFA...
  2. luvmychixandducks

    ISO…baby chicks South Coast Mass.

    Poultry auction Topsfield fairgrounds Sunday 10/17 to benefit FFA . Auction begins at noon. All chicks hatched during fair will be sold . I saw green eggs, blue eggs and Marins eggs chocolate along with brown and white eggs.
  3. luvmychixandducks

    Setting in next two days

    When I went to move the two chicks into the brooder from the incubator only one was alive . The little yellow chick had died during the bight looked like he bled out.
  4. luvmychixandducks

    Setting in next two days

    Down to one live chick. Necropsy revealed 8 of 12 never started. Bad luck all around. But on the plus side the bunnies are doing fine as are the ducklings so I have lots to take care of .
  5. luvmychixandducks

    Setting in next two days

    Down to one live chick. Necropsy revealed 8 of 12 never started. Bad luck all around. But on the plus side the bunnies are doing fine as are the ducklings so I have lots to take care of .
  6. luvmychixandducks

    Setting in next two days

    Update : two hatched of 12 eggs . Almost not worth running a brooder for two chicks which might just end up roos anyway. I''ll give the 10 remaining eggs another day and do a necropsy to see if they ever started.
  7. luvmychixandducks

    Township trying to take 10-year old girl's pets away -- support needed ASAP

    In my town we have a similar situation but with two small goats. Zoning has demanded they be removed calling them animal husbandry which is not allowed. Both animals are neutered and cannot reproduce so the owners claim of pets has merit. We (sympathetic townies) signed petition to change the...
  8. luvmychixandducks

    Room Humidity vs incubator humidity

    Add me to the list of dry hatchers until lockdown. Nothing worse than doing a post mortem on unhatched eggs and finding fully developed chicks drowned in their shells because the egg didn't lose enough moisture early on to provide adequate air cell room.
  9. luvmychixandducks

    Unhatched Egg Disposal

    The fully formed ones bother me the most. Too much humidity and the chicks drowned in their shells. Took me a while to learn to go dry early and add the water only at lockdown. Still learning as I read that folks weigh their eggs and compute percentage of volume lost to assure no drowned...
  10. luvmychixandducks

    Unhatched Egg Disposal

    I flush the quitters and the never starteds when I move the live chicks to the brooder. All but the shells. They go in the trash bin.
  11. luvmychixandducks

    Setting in next two days

    PenguPen what is the story on the eggs you said are on day three ? Home grown or shipped ? Barnyard mix or purebreds ? Keep us informed as we wait for something to happen in the bators. You must be at day 6 now. Anything to share ? Please no disaster tales....
  12. luvmychixandducks

    July Hatch-a-Long (including 4th of July hatch-a-long)

    I'm going to jump in to the July hatch along now that I reached lockdown and can hear chirps from the eggs in the incubator. I started a thread in hatch along but got moved to stories about my chickens forum. On day 4 my temp spiked and I feared the worst but an hour ago I checked the temp in...
  13. luvmychixandducks

    Setting in next two days

    Encouraging news - checked the bator and can hear chirps coming from the eggs. No hatching efforts at this time but not a total train wreck like I expected after the temp spike on day 4 . Will let you know how many bust out . Thanks for the encouragement Drumstick diva and PenguPen . Hatch day...
  14. luvmychixandducks

    Rats nesting under coop, help!

    The recipe calls for a 1:1 proportion of peanut butter to plaster with either olive oil or veg oil added to keep it moist without water . Water would set the plaster and defeat the purpose. Plaster sets up when the rats drink water. Intestines of stone ! Roll the balls about marble size and...
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