Recent content by lyssagpsn

  1. lyssagpsn

    5 week old chick ate poisonous plant

    I have never heard of tube feeding before, but it sounds like exactly what I need for her right now. Thank you, you're an angel!
  2. lyssagpsn

    5 week old chick ate poisonous plant

    This situation is mostly under control, but I do have some concerns and would like advice if anyone has any. It has been about two days since we found Ezi (name of the chick) and while she no longer has any trouble breathing and appears to have passed most of the plant stuff, I still can't get...
  3. lyssagpsn

    5 week old chick ate poisonous plant

    She's doing a little bit better now, she's pooped twice, and it was the poisonous house plant we suspected. She still gags and dry heaves every couple hours, but it doesn't cut off and stop her from getting air like what was happening we first found her. She's not quite out of the woods yet, but...
  4. lyssagpsn

    5 week old chick ate poisonous plant

    -EDIT- We've gotten her to stop gagging and choking and she's breathing much easier now. Whatever she's eaten has moved past her crop, her crop is mostly empty except for some water we got in her. I guess we're just going to watch her and make sure she keeps breathing. (Original post) We came...
  5. lyssagpsn

    HELP! Dog attack, two chickens dead, one very injured!

    We're picking up more antibiotics and such tonight. I'm praying that everybody will recover okay. Thank you all for the support :)
  6. lyssagpsn

    HELP! Dog attack, two chickens dead, one very injured!

    Animal Control officer came, of course the dogs were long gone by then, if there are any owners they aren't in the area. After assessing the damage, we have: two dead hens :( , six live ones. The most injured one, Stripe, has torn muscles in her leg, but no breaks like I'd thought before. She...
  7. lyssagpsn

    HELP! Dog attack, two chickens dead, one very injured!

    That's what I was afraid of. I guess that we can try?
  8. lyssagpsn

    HELP! Dog attack, two chickens dead, one very injured!

    Had a pack of dogs get into our yard, three big ones causing a ruckus. I'm lucky that I heard them so early, and got out there to chase them off, but we still got damages: out of eight chickens, two dead, and one that we thought was dead, but started dragging herself across the yard. The others...
  9. lyssagpsn

    Perching 101

    So adorable!
  10. lyssagpsn

    Tame Chick... :-) Is this normal?

    Our buff orp is pretty sweet as well. When she was smaller she would sit on our knees when we were outside.
  11. lyssagpsn

    Hen's eyes are bubbling...??

    Today I was putting an escaped chicken back in the run and I noticed that she was scratching at her face with her feet... Took a closer look and the corners of her eyes are bubbling up, whenever she blinks it seems to go away, but then starts back up again. I've never seen anything like this on...
  12. lyssagpsn

    Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

    We name all of ours, and we tend to lose all of the favorites as roosters... Right now we have Bandit, Dot, Stripe, Winter, Suzie, Scout, Rose, Ashes, and Peanut. xD
  13. lyssagpsn

    another rant out of me re. people who dont get it

    I personally cannot claim to know what any one of you strong women have been through as I am not yet at the time in my life where I have had children, but I do hope to share a part of my life that I can relate. I went through this with my own mother, who miscarried four babies, and then in her...
  14. lyssagpsn

    A random Star Wars poll...

    Luke is a bit spoiled, I must admit. Vader... I mean, it was his own dang fault that Padme died... And then he had to play deadbeat dad for the twins. [I know, I know, I'm just sayin'!] But Han Solo... He's amazing.
  15. lyssagpsn

    Swimsuit Question

    Don't pull on it or adjust it so often.. A lot of people don't realize that when they do that continuously, it stretches out the fabric. It's a hard habit to break...
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