Recent content by mama23grlz1boy

  1. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    I've been super excited about eggs lately. Mrs. Wilbur laid her first egg over the weekend, so now at least 5 of my 6 hens are laying. I really enot reading about all of your farming exploits with goats and cows, etc. I'm over here like, hey check out my hens...I feel so "country". The hens...
  2. mama23grlz1boy

    Silkie thread!

    I have a mixed flock of 2 EE's, 3 buff orpingtons and 1 cuckoo maran. I'll be adding a Lavender orpington or 2 at the same time as possible silkies. Will I NEED to build then their own house, or would they be ok in our existing house?
  3. mama23grlz1boy

    Silkie thread!

    I'm considering getting a few silkies, but the broodiness concerns me some. Is it a big deal?
  4. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    I'm loving this conversation!
  5. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Pick on may not be entirely the right words. They chase her away from the treat tray, so I now have 2.
  6. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Funny thing... I have 2 orpingtons that relentlessly pick in one of my EE's. They are ironically the 2 that like me least of all.
  7. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Picked up Violet and Luna on Saturday. We just love them! Considering chocolate orps for spring. I just love my orpingtons!
  8. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    thanks! I'm really leaning towards getting a couple of lavender orpingtons.
  9. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    I wad leaning the same way. What about silver laced wyandotte?
  10. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    I have an opportunity to get silkies or lavendee orps or both from Heartland Hatchery this weekend...thoughts? I'll be adding them to a flock of 3 buffs, 1 cuckoo maran and 2 EEs.
  11. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    This is all very interesting! I'm a city girl, but love hearing all of the farm chatter. I'll try to get some full body shots. Thanks for the advice.
  12. mama23grlz1boy

    Consolidated Kansas

    As a follow up, I am able to post pics using Internet Explorer on my phone. Chrome didn't work.
  13. mama23grlz1boy

    Hello from Kansas

    yep. They get pretty mixed reviews. Quite honestly, neither of my suspected roosters is anything to "crow about".
  14. mama23grlz1boy

    3 Ameraucanas, hens or too soon to tell?

    No worries. They were sold as Ameraucanas. I'm not too worried about it. They are sweet and beautiful birds. I'm mostly interested in the sex of the birds.
  15. mama23grlz1boy

    3 Ameraucanas, hens or too soon to tell?

    Ruby, Dottie and Mrs. Wilbur are Ameraucanas! :-) The buff was hard to get a good picture of. "Her" comb is a little longer and pinker than the other 2, but I just wonder.
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