Recent content by Marci

  1. Marci

    mother hen rejected chick

    Yes, we did have chicks before. The mother hen was sitting on them (a different hen). This one hen rejected this baby. That's never happened before.
  2. Marci

    mother hen rejected chick

    If a mother hen rejects a baby chick (she was pecking at it) does it mean the chick is sick? I checked out in the chicken pen because one hen has been laying on eggs for the past three weeks. It's a good thing I did. I took the baby chick into the house (it was only one baby) and have it in a...
  3. Marci

    Introducing new chicks to the coop

    Congratulations on your new job. I've been looking for one for 4 years now. Please do try and send the plans. My husband, with my help, built an okay one that will house about 20 birds. The only really bad thing is he didn't slant the roof. We want to take it apart and do it over. We just...
  4. Marci

    do all roosters have spurs

    On May 16 as we were checking our 4 girls and 1 rooster, we noticed baby chicks so we took them into the house and have raised them since. We had 3 more chicks about a month later. The older ones are 3 months old now. Just this morning I noticed the biggest one picking on the ohter three...
  5. Marci

    Introducing new chicks to the coop

    Kilsharion, that is such a nice small coop for the little ones. Is it possible for you to send plans on how you built it? We have a rather large coop for our 5 chickens, which we saved from being killed by their previous owner. He told us they were too old and were not laying anymore. Since...
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