Recent content by mattwinz

  1. mattwinz

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    A discussion some of us might have had with our rooster: "Speckles, if you want the ladies to give you plenty of action you need to treat them right. The key is foreplay..." Or with the hens: "Skitchley, get off my head! There's to be no fighting on my head! And don't you try to look...
  2. mattwinz

    What breed/breeds is this chicken?

    This is Junior, a chicken I used to have and love until a fox got her and my 2 RIR mixers last October. Always wondered what breed(s) she was so if someone can enlighten me it would finally put my infernal curiosity to rest! My only thought is perhaps part Brahma with those markings, but...
  3. mattwinz

    Ancona Chicken Thread

    I've just got the 1 red Ancona (my other girls are a barred rock and a RIR/white leghorn mixer, but Skitchley is great. Alway very friendly, wants to fly up and wander about on me whenever I'm in the coop. My only worry is that if I had more than 1 they'd all fly over the fence! Very active...
  4. mattwinz

    Why do hens crow?

    I had my 30 week old barred rock hen (I hope) Speckles (should the name have been 'Stripes'?) crow at me this morning when I opened the door of the coop. It's the first time I've heard her do this and it scared the pants off me. None of the 3 of my 30 week old chooks has laid an egg yet (it's...
  5. mattwinz

    7 month old Wyandotte not laying

    She seems healthy and happy. I have 3 hens about 6 1/2 months old - 1 barred rock, 1 red Ancona, and 1 RIR/white leghorn cross. They all seem healthy and happy, eat well, get plenty of free range time, but are yet to lay an egg. Not having reared from chicks before (previous chickens have...
  6. Default


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