Recent content by MelBrown13

  1. MelBrown13

    2 Bantam Polish... cockerels, pullets, or 1 of each?

    Theyre nearing 3 months old. I thought white crested a pullet until today when I noticed the waddle.
  2. MelBrown13

    2 Bantam Polish... cockerels, pullets, or 1 of each?

    There's a Silver-Laced and a White Crested Chocolate...they are the same age. Based on waddle alone, I'd guess the chocolate is a cockerel, but I'd love for you to tell me otherwise. :) And how about the Silver-Laced? I tried to take pics of their heads, tails, and saddles.
  3. MelBrown13

    OEG Bantam...Pullet or Cock?

    This is my only OE, and I just watched [what I thought was a Pullet due to tiny size] him/her crow 4 times in succession. Your confirmation would be greatly appreciated!
  4. MelBrown13

    Limping Japanese Bantam...

    Anything I can do for her while she heals? Her toes seem like they're not fully "connected" if that makes sense.
  5. MelBrown13

    Limping Japanese Bantam...

    This gal is holding up her leg and limping, but I have no idea why. I initially thought it was bumble foot, but both her feet look the same to me. Any input, thoughts, and/or suggestions would be so greatly appreciated!
  6. MelBrown13

    Do I have yet another Polish Roo?

    Thanks to you both. I think we're just not destined to have a Pullet. Looks like we'll have to stick to our Cochins and Silkies at this rate.
  7. MelBrown13

    Do I have yet another Polish Roo?

    This is our 6th Polish Bantam, and by all signs, I think we have another ROO! Please confirm.
  8. MelBrown13

    Roo or Pullet Bantams???

    My guess is that these are all roos, but I'd LOVE to hear otherwise! :) Your take? 1. Americana 2. Americana 3. Silver Seabright 4. Gold Laced Cochin 5. Barred Rock Cochin
  9. MelBrown13

    2 week old Seabright... protruding vent?

    That's exactly what I've been doing! Thanks for the confirmation and encouragement to just keep on keeping on! :)
  10. MelBrown13

    2 week old Seabright... protruding vent?

    I have only bantams, and I've had probably over 200 chicks at this point. Never had any other look like that, and the other Seabrights I had didn't look like that either. You're right's protruding some but not to the point of prolapse.
  11. MelBrown13

    2 week old Seabright... protruding vent?

    Between Google and this site, I believe this to be a protruding vent on my 2 week old Silver Seabright. She's not growing like the others either, but she's eating and drinking just fine (though she perpetually needs her butt cleaned, obviously.) Any suggestions on what I can do for her? I'm...
  12. MelBrown13

    Apologies for the graphic poop picture...

    They're only 4 days old...all bantams...Silkies, 2 Americanas, 1 Seabright, and 1 Polish.
  13. MelBrown13

    Apologies for the graphic poop picture...

    I have about 15 chicks right now, and I have no idea which which this came, but it was just about 5 minutes ago, and it doesn't look good. Thoughts?
  14. MelBrown13

    Impacted Crop? 1week old Plymouth!

    I can't get him to open his tiny mouth for a dropper...not to mention for coconut oil, but I'll try! No pictures of poop, and I can't say that I can now identify which "plops" we're discussing, but they weren't watery...just normal I'd say. I can get my hands on some Corid today, and we do...
  15. MelBrown13

    Impacted Crop? 1week old Plymouth!

    Seems about the same if not slightly more engorged. That area last night felt like a water balloon. This morning, it feels less "waterlike" and more fleshy? I can feel nothing inside it when massaging except what feels like the tiniest grain or something or other...not sure if that even means...
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