Recent content by Melfento

  1. M

    18 month old rooster acting unstable and listless

    Thank you. Do you think Texas A&M does that also? They are not to far from us.
  2. M

    18 month old rooster acting unstable and listless

    We did receive a lot of rain a few days before, but their feed was dry. No smell of sour crop and his crop was filling and emptied correctly. He unfortunately, passed in his sleep last night. He did drink water well before bed and it appears he just went to sleep and didn't wake back up...
  3. M

    18 month old rooster acting unstable and listless

    They have Marek's vax, they received it from the hatchery.
  4. M

    18 month old rooster acting unstable and listless

    Yes, they have received all their vax.
  5. M

    18 month old rooster acting unstable and listless

    My rooster was acting completely normal and fine yesterday. He was crowing and running around with his hens. He went to bed last night and when I went out to feed them this morning he was still in the coop but hiding in a nest box. I reached in to pick him up and pull him out but he wouldn't...
  6. M


    ok great thank you so much!!!!
  7. M


    thank you! No, he was just laying down. Almost like he wanted to be alone and safe.
  8. M


    Thank you and good morning! His crop seems to be emptying but not completely when we checked this morning. He is up and about some today but still not himself. We did give him some coconut oil yesterday to help in case it was a possible impaction. We have checked him thoroughly, no injuries...
  9. M


    Hi! Needing advice for my rooster. He is a year and a half old. Today we noticed he wasn't himself. He is not holding his head high and isn't crowing. He is eating and drinking. But I found him in a nest box laying down this evening. When he heard others come in coop he got up and...
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