Recent content by Micharbra

  1. Micharbra

    Found a "lash egg" - Now what?

    My 'not quite 2 year old' laid a lash egg last year. She still hasn't laid again but is still alive. But now she has what seems to be 'egg white' come out every once in a while and it makes a mess on her bum so I bathe her. She still eats and drinks all normal but just gets messy. Anyone ever...
  2. Micharbra

    Capillaria eggs...dosing for Safeguard 10% liquid form needed

    How often do you need to worm chickens and at what age do you start?
  3. Micharbra

    My first chicks!

    I'm getting chicks in a week or so. There's 5 breeds I want and was thinking of getting 2 of each. I'm very excited but some friends are surprised I'm starting with so many. I want to get Easter Eggers, Dominque, Cochin, Silkie and Frizzles Any thoughts?
  4. Micharbra

    No chickens yet...

    I'm super excited to get some chickens. I found this site to get lots of useful tips on coops, feed and different types of chickens. My mom was raised on a farm and I got to collect eggs when I was a kid. Would love to have a flock of my own and bring our family back into growing, gathering our...
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