Capillaria eggs...dosing for Safeguard 10% liquid form needed

I think worming them is a good thing. No, just treat them that one time, wait ten days, then treat again. You are supposed to not eat any of the eggs for fourteen days after the last worming, but I only get rid of the first couple of days eggs then use the rest for personal consumption (or to cook and feed to the dog). The Safeguard is excreted mostly through their gut so doesn't stay in their system long, it's up to you, but I wouldn't sell any of the eggs for that 14 days. If they had worms (quite likely) you should see a big difference within a week or two... less feed consumption (you're not feeding all those worms!) and just happier chickens, and they'll probably lay alot better as well.

Don't worry about the "rubber" egg. Sometimes a hen's plumbing gets out of whack and they'll lay some of those soft-shelled eggs, unless it continues for a long time I wouldn't worry about it. The chickens seem to instinctually know which ones are soft-shells and immediately eat them, but that doesn't mean they will eat all eggs, just the soft-shell ones. Just make sure they're getting plenty of calcium, sometimes it will help to put a small amount of apple cider vinegar in their water to help them absorb the calcium. Remember, those poor hens had crappy living conditions for quite a while, so it will take awhile to undo that!

I don't know about any other types of wormers, hopefully dawg will jump in and help you.
HI, thanks for the response, well today again, only one egg, part of the reason i thought maybe they might be wormy as well, but the one hen that has the "rubber" egg still doesn't look or act right, she comes out along with the others, but looks like shes straining, kind of stays to her self and doesnt peck around, she had the soft egg the last time and was ok for a couple of days, then nothing that i can see.. i put her in warm water and noticed she had goo coming out of her back end.. it comes and goes, and she acts ok in the mornings for the most part, then goes back to looking tired out.. I was hopeing the worming would kick in , and maybe thats what her problem might be.. she loves to eat an apple, but not much on the chicken food, as i said, i switched them from the cheapo food he had them on , to vitamins, and the omega hen, oyster shell, and once a day they get an apple or something, i wet the food in the mornings because they like it better, and mix in some of the oyster shell too... I gave them probiotics to get them built up after the worming, I thought about putting some collidial silver in her water to boost her a little since its safe and wont pull her down more.. any thoughts on that?? i will say in the three weeks since i got them, they all grew the feathers back(they were all half bald from over crowding and beating on each other) and the feathers were dull/flat dull almost dusty and ugly, now they have shine even though they are not completely in yet... lol, they come running whenever they see me and are loose , i only let them out on the farm when im here to watch them-- i have fox's all over the place here, a family of them in a pile of wood ... but they have not bothered the hens in my horse barn YET... they can't get in , but they can sure scare them...
My thoughts... I would go for the colloidial silver, might help and surely won't hurt. Yogurt will help them too (plus they LOVE it!). The hen that has the stuff coming out of her vent, it is probably either an infection (most likely) or she has a busted egg inside her. You might do some reading and research on egg peritonitis. I don't know too much about egg peritonitis, but have heard the experts say that only antibiotics will work, and even then it's not a sure thing. If it were my chicken I'd do all I could to help her as long as she seems at least halfway comfortable. Personally I wouldn't/couldn't afford to take a chicken to the vet, either my nursing skills would heal it or I'd have to put it out of it's misery. I think that's something only YOU can decide, though.
Well at this point, shes acting better, im waiting for my colliodial silver, but i do have alot of antibiotics from the horses, and for humans as well, but since shes still somewhat comfortable and eating, and seems a little better, i will try to wait it out til they get here, i order off Herbal and shes got the most potent silver around, Ive used it on my diabetic husband when all else failed..

i did give yogurt, and i have probiotic powder that i added in as well, shes walking around alot better today, though a tad slower than the others, but shes brighter at least.. so far so good... i hope!! but thanks for your help, its appreciated!

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