Recent content by Michelin

  1. Michelin

    Possibly eggbound after prolapse

    Thank you all so much!
  2. Michelin

    Possibly eggbound after prolapse

    It looks like it's completely inside. Should I just put her back with the rest now, or keep her in another day?
  3. Michelin

    Possibly eggbound after prolapse

    I left to run a child somewhere and when I came back, she had laid an egg!! Yay!! Question, she had been laying regularly up until Monday. So now that's one egg, but it's been 4 days. Should I be worried that there are more stuck eggs up there?
  4. Michelin

    Possibly eggbound after prolapse

    Like this?
  5. Michelin

    Possibly eggbound after prolapse

    Yes, she's acting completely normal (which is why I had put her out with the others again. She's in now though). I hadn't used Epsom salts because I don't know how to prevent her from drinking it!
  6. Michelin

    Possibly eggbound after prolapse

    I've read a million posts on here about eggbound ducks and chickens. Our favorite duck had a prolapse last Saturday. She laid an egg on Sunday morning, but nothing since. I let her out Tuesday and she acted completely normal, free ranging with our other 6 ducks. I did see her and her sister...
  7. Michelin

    New Mama Cayuga

    I candled the remaining eggs and three looked like they stopped developing awhile ago, and the 4th looked full term but no movement. Maybe just got too cold? But I’m a lot more comfortable candling now (for some reason it sounded very complicated to me before this), so next time I will use that...
  8. Michelin

    New Mama Cayuga

    Just watching Mama duck. It's like she keeps trying to sit on the remaining eggs, but then the babies are running all over so she keeps standing up to take care of them. Thinking maybe I should pull the eggs and put them in a makeshift incubator...? Ort maybe it's too late, the eggs didn't feel...
  9. Michelin

    New Mama Cayuga

    Right yes. The rest of the flock is just one other duck, we were down to only 2 hens. :) That's a good point about the fence and the puppy. If they can make it through today and the night I'll be able to get into town tomorrow and get some fencing that I can use to divide but also go around...
  10. Michelin

    New Mama Cayuga

    I think you are right. We took the other duck out (will put up a temporary fence later, for now she's in our fenced garden. They used to Free range but we just got a puppy...) and so far the two ducklings are doing doing well and staying under mama. No more have hatched. We just did the float...
  11. Michelin

    New Mama Cayuga

    Hello everyone, We have a one year old Cayuga duck who went broody, so we got some fertilized eggs from a friend and they started hatching in the night (after 36 days!! They are golden 300 eggs, but 2nd generation) but when we went out this morning two were out of the nest, dead. (Feels like bad...
  12. Michelin

    Sick duck—coccidiosis or something else?

    Never mind, giving it orally with the little dropper was easy peasy after tube feeding. :)
  13. Michelin

    Sick duck—coccidiosis or something else?

    Okay second duck is a lot better, eating on her own. First duck seems a lot better, can walk a few steps, but is not eating on her own. I got the Baytril 10% today. They are both back up to 4.8 lbs. Can I just tube feed the medicine in some water?
  14. Michelin

    Sick duck—coccidiosis or something else?

    Oh and not till Tuesday!
  15. Michelin

    Sick duck—coccidiosis or something else?

    No, I just was blending up what we had with some water, 60ml at a time. I had read elsewhere that that was okay! 😬
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