Recent content by Michelle Shiflet

  1. Michelle Shiflet

    Can you identify my 16-week-old free rare breed?

    Oh wow, an EE?? He looked so different from the others, I figured he was the rare breed. All the others are definitely EE's, so the one that died early on must've been the free one!
  2. Michelle Shiflet

    Can you identify my 16-week-old free rare breed?

    We thought we had a flock of ladies until this big guy started crowing early this morning! Well, I'm new so I can't post a picture!
  3. Michelle Shiflet

    Hatching with broody - will other hens/rooster kill chicks?

    I have hatched one other time with my broody Buff Orpington named "Honeysuckle". At that time I also purchased a few chicks from the feed store and she wanted nothing to do with them so I took her chicks away and raised them in the brooder with the bought ones. This time, I'm considering...
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