Can you identify my 16-week-old free rare breed?

Michelle Shiflet

9 Years
Aug 2, 2010
We thought we had a flock of ladies until this big guy started crowing early this morning!
Well, I'm new so I can't post a picture!
Oh wow, an EE?? He looked so different from the others, I figured he was the rare breed. All the others are definitely EE's, so the one that died early on must've been the free one!
Kathryn, That is one very weird looking comb on that boy!
Both roos in the pictures here are very cool. Love the color and have never seen one like those before.
In my experience, when hatchery says they will send you a rare chick, they just mean free. They have extras and so you get what they got, and chances are you will get a cockerel. But, not always, I did get a Red Star pullet once. Too bad my dog killed her when she was about 8-weeks old.

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