Thanks for the follow! I'd love to see your birds! I can show you some of my show birds if you'd like. I know you want to show, so I thought I'd let you know about PipsAndChicks on FB. It's a MASSIVE online poultry show. Feel free to message me
Hello, Fluffy! I wanted to ask you something. Did you say that you were using quail leg bands for the Serama chicks when they hatch? I have ten mixed breed bantam chicks right now (the ones that are Ruby x Jasper and Quartz x Jasper) and the ones that come from the same parents are starting to look more like their siblings. I wanted to find out what leg bands would fit bantam chicks! I want the colorful ones.
Hi! Im that annoying, clueless girl from the lgbtq thread, i saw you are from Greece and i just wanted to say how cool that is, also i have a chicken called Cruella too, and she is amazing!