Recent content by mjsparky

  1. mjsparky

    Chop their heads off or slit their throats

    I'm killing all the roosters in our flock, is there any advantage to either method. I'm inclined to chop off their heads unless this is a bad idea. Any thoughts?
  2. mjsparky

    Do I really need to keep a rooster in the flock

    Wow, excellent and timely feedback? I appreciate everyone's quick answer as I'm about to become a butcher in the morning. When I grew up we had chickens, and I helped behead and pluck them, but Mom did all the other work. Tomorrow it's baptism by fire as I hope to complete the whole process...
  3. mjsparky

    Do I really need to keep a rooster in the flock

    It's time to kill off all the un-wanted roosters in the flock as they are starting to fight each other. Do I need to keep one rooster, I don't think I'll be trying to hatch out eggs at this point. I've just got the hens for eggs.
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