Recent content by ModernScientist

  1. ModernScientist

    BYC Contest - Waterers & Feeders - Win $20 Store Gift Cert. Ended

    Quote: This waterer was so impressive, I went right out to Home Depot and bought the parts. 15 bucks later and I no longer have to carry a heavy waterer out to the coop! Thanks!
  2. ModernScientist

    Allowing a rooster to visit for a while...

    Quote: Thanks for everyone's input thus far. So how many eggs can 1 hen hatch? I see you mention a dozen. That is more than I would have expected.
  3. ModernScientist

    Allowing a rooster to visit for a while...

    I was concerned about this idea, thanks for the input. So when would be the best time of the year for me to order hatching eggs? I'd like my flock to raise their own chicks. Is this a good idea? Do I just pick the broodiest hens and place the eggs under them?
  4. ModernScientist

    Allowing a rooster to visit for a while...

    I have a flock of hens, 5 buff orpingtons, 5 barred rocks, and 6 silver laced wyandottes. In the spring they will be two years old. I purposely did not get a rooster because my neighbors are a bit close and I didn't want to generate any noise complaints. So now I'm thinking I want to "borrow"...
  5. ModernScientist

    Close up coop at night?

    I have two runs on my chicken coop. The first is really sturdy, made out of 4x4s and 2x4s and nicely painted. We dug a 2 ft wide shallow trench around the outside of this run and ran the wire mesh across the bottom of this trench and then up the walls of the run. Then we covered the mesh in...
  6. ModernScientist

    Is this egg just big? Or is it a contender?

    Quote: Sunday I noticed one of my chickens running around with something different. Of course she was being chased by about 5 other hens. After she stood still long enough I realised it was a mouse! I cornered her and she eventually dropped it but it was pecked to shreds. At that point I...
  7. ModernScientist

    Is this egg just big? Or is it a contender?

    I was outside working on my chicken coop and I heard one of my hens making an awful sound. Now as you folks know hens can get quite loud so I didn't think to much of it but when I went out to collect today's eggs I found the largest chicken egg I've ever seen. This egg is 7.3 cm (2.87 in)...
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