Is this egg just big? Or is it a contender?

what are all these HUGE eggs and where did they come from?!?!!?! hahaaaa my leghorn lays some funny shaped ones sometimes. hahahaa like pointed on both ends
Sunday I noticed one of my chickens running around with something different. Of course she was being chased by about 5 other hens. After she stood still long enough I realised it was a mouse! I cornered her and she eventually dropped it but it was pecked to shreds.

At that point I quickly logged on the BYC to see if mice were bad for chickens and apparently this is common. I didn't let her have her mouse back but I feel better knowing it's not that big of a deal.

Other than that, the chicks get feed from our local mill, along with bugs from free ranging, and scraps from my juicer. They LOVE the pulp. With a choice between fruit and vegetable pulp, and meal worms, they actually prefer the fruit and veg!
My hamburgs ate a frog this morning
and one of the bantam EEs was chasing a rat! (we have a rat problem at the moment ... have had a spring population explosion. Apparently they love chick feed

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