Recent content by momto5ladies

  1. momto5ladies

    Upper Respitatory infection

    Thanks so much. Of course, I'm worried about my girl but I have to keep myself safe. I feel better now. I'm also using gloves and a mask while I'm around her just to be extra safe. I've got more meds coming today. Last night she was still wheezing but this morning she seemed much more...
  2. momto5ladies

    Upper Respitatory infection

    Thanks. Her face is not swollen, nor is there any discharge. She was having an awful time breathing the night before last. That first night she was not eating. Now she's eating again but is still wheezing. Does anyone know if I can catch it from her? I just can't find that answer anywhere.
  3. momto5ladies

    Upper Respitatory infection

    One of my girls have an upper respitatory infection. I've brought her inside in a crate and am treating her with VetRX. I'm really not in a position to take her to a vet. My question is, should I be concerned about catching it from her? This might sound strange but I have Stage 4 Lung Cancer...
  4. momto5ladies

    Smoke and chickens

    Thank you. I've covered one coop and will do the same in the main coop.
  5. momto5ladies

    Smoke and chickens

    Thank you both for your replies. I wish there were more I could do to help the girls. So sorry to know your in the same situation PGHelp. Its awful.
  6. momto5ladies

    Smoke and chickens

    I'm in Northern California and am surrounded by fires. The smoke is awful as is the air quality. Doe's anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to help my girls cope with all the smoke. I've been giving them lots of lettuce hoping that might help flush their systems but I'm really...
  7. momto5ladies

    How to stop hens from picking on chicks?

    I agree. You need to separate them until they are closer in size. And then I would start with a barrier between them for a few days.
  8. momto5ladies

    Not eating/not pooping

    Just an update. I had Bitsy put to sleep yesterday. She wasn't moving, wasn't eating and stopped drinking water. It was the right thing to do. She was only 27 weeks old.
  9. momto5ladies

    Not eating/not pooping

    Thanks Barbara for your reply. I will try to massage her crop. The Vet thought it felt full but I wondered about that as she hadn't eaten in so long. I'll get a heat lamp on her (great suggestion). Maybe that will make her feel better.
  10. momto5ladies

    Not eating/not pooping

    On Saturday I noticed Bitsy was standing in the rain with her eyes closed. For the longest time she didn't move. I went out there with meat and everyone ate but Bits. All she would do is stand there with her eyes closed. Thankfully I have a winter/medical coop set up in the garage so I was...
  11. momto5ladies

    Need help with my flock

    I'm glad I asked about the girls hours. I was a bit concerned that I was keeping them up so late but it was so fun watching them chase moths. I'll make sure they get tucked in earlier now.
  12. momto5ladies

    Need help with my flock

    Thanks, I just love my Ziggy
  13. momto5ladies

    Need help with my flock

    You so get it!
  14. momto5ladies

    Need help with my flock

    No worries, were all here to learn!
  15. momto5ladies

    Need help with my flock

    Well I'm having an especially difficult time. I've had Thelma and Louise a month now and they were just little 6 weeks old chicks when they arrived. They didn't have an older chicken to bond with so I was it. Just learning to be chickens has been hard for them and they so look to me for their...
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