Recent content by Ms Grit

  1. Ms Grit

    A Late Layer or Something Else ???

    Thanks for your responses. I am only 3 years into this and do still have some of my original girls, so I don't add newbies very often.
  2. Ms Grit

    A Late Layer or Something Else ???

    Well, today my daughter brought in a "First" egg from one of my Rhode Island Reds, or what appears to be a "First" egg. The confusing thing is that during the summer, I added three new girls to my henhouse (I now have 8 hens and 1 rooster) and they were 16-18 weeks old at the time, which would...
  3. Ms Grit

    How to put a chicken down..

    I am a little uncomfortable with this being my first post on this site, but I found this site after having to put down one of my hens today. I was searching the internet for maggots attached to a chicken's vent. Her back end area was loaded with them and she could hardly get up to walk. I...
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