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  • I just read on your thread. :) Good that she is still in her little box. Keep her quiet for a few days and hopefully you can get her back into the flock in a few days! :)
    Great to hear!! Don't let her free range or do too much walking. If you can, keep her confined for another day, but if not, don't let her do too much. Sounds like she sprained something and it will heal if she takes it easy -for a few days. Keep me posted! :)
    I wouldn't put anybody in with her as they will stir her up and might make her get up and stand. She needs to not stand on that foot for a few days. Just go one day at a time and each day she gets better, maybe if she is better tomorrow you can put another bird in with her. But not today. Keep me posted! :)
    Great that she can stand!! Ok, so now you need to keep her still and contained for a few days to allow it to heal and she doesn't reinjure it. I posted some info on your thread. Keep me posted!!! I hope we can get her back into the flock soon! :)
    How is your Hershey today? I posted some info on your thread. Let me know how she is this morning and hopefully we can get her back to good health soon. :)
    Oh, I hope she is going to be ok. Keep her contained in a small area for at least a week as if she sprained something, it can heal. I posted some info on your thread and keep me posted on her. I hope she makes a full recovery! :)
    I posted on your thread on Hershey. Keep me posted and I hope she makes a full recovery. (hugs)
    Yes, Gracie loves the s'mores! (Especially the marshmallows! LOL) I don't let her have much tho! Everyone loves her too!
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