Recent content by NannaLea64

  1. N

    Why did my Pekin Bantam die? Any ideas? How long do they live?

    Average Lifespan for a Pekin Chicken is 4-5 years. So 3 is a bit young, but as a species they are one that has a shorter lifespan unfortunately. I love Pekins and have several different types and colours atm and their personality is second to none. They love to be cuddled and love to chat to you...
  2. N

    If you kept only one breed...

    I would say Pekins....they have such an amazing nature, love cuddles and lay enough eggs...and the cutest little floofy butts on the planet!!!
  3. N

    Hubby says no to moving them outside

    Best indicator I know of as to when ready to go outside is by their feather growth. Winter or cooler climates in particular they MUST have complete covering of feathers. 3 week old chicks are def not old enough to go outside. Again depending on the climate where you live they should be under...
  4. N

    Help! Can chickens die from poultry lice!!!!!

    For a serious infection like yours I would use the drench wash MALABAN as a first step. Completely submerge the chooks including their heads. You can literally see the mites/lice falling off with this stuff. Leftover Malaban wash can be used to treat coop and Ground areas of their runs. Empty...
  5. N

    Cooling off the Chickens?

    I put ice in their water several times throughout a hot day. Soak their run with sprinkler the night before a hot forecast, to cool down the sand a just make the air cooler too. As they love to dig, they find a spot under the tree in their run and dig a nice hole to lay in. Keeping the...
  6. N

    How Many PET Chickens Are In Your Flock?

    I had to get a calculator out to get an answer on this one. 5+3+2+2+2+5+17+21 (haven't included the 50 eggs in the so a nice round 45 hens and 7 roos. 52 total. I live in a rural town where the neighbours are a bit more understanding than in the burbs. I had 5 originally, and...
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