Recent content by neehna

  1. neehna

    BLONDE Black Sex Link chicks, what genetics, any ideas on gender?

    yes, here are a couple pictures of my "Mystery" chicken - it's a hen as I thought it might be, just not black: I finally figured out which one of my hens was mothering these blonde black stars, and after looking at all my barred rock hens I found out it wasn't a barred rock after all. It...
  2. neehna

    BLONDE Black Sex Link chicks, what genetics, any ideas on gender?

    Ok, let's try to post some pics: here is a one week old blonde Black Star chick and the next two pictures show my two week old blonde Black Star chick So - what do you all think? They are very pretty to me, but I wish I knew the gender...
  3. neehna

    BLONDE Black Sex Link chicks, what genetics, any ideas on gender?

    So, I have been breeding black sex links - PBR hens with my RIR rooster. A small percentage of my chicks turns out blonde! How in the world does that happen, and does any one have an idea of what the gender of those chicks would be?
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