Recent content by newchickmomma4

  1. newchickmomma4

    Flock integration question

    Ok, it has been about 6 weeks since we integrated the flock. I have one of my adult hens that still bullies the pullets around. So much so that when they are all in the coop and run together, she stands watch to keep them in a 4x 4 section of the coop. The other 2 adults would be totally...
  2. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2/4 again today. I've been keeping track if who lays on what day. One of my SLW haven't laid since July (she is 2 1/2 years old), the other SLW hasn't layed anything in 3 weeks (again 2 1/2 years old). BSL is playing 3-5 per week (she is 2 1/2 years old also). I have 4 22 week old BSL, one of...
  3. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    1/4 layers (3 more pullets haven't started laying yet.....any day now though....I hope!). One of these layers is still young, 22 weeks, started laying 4 weeks ago, the other 3 layers are 2 1/2 years old. Their laying has SEVERLY slowed down, haven't gotten an egg from the 2 SLW IN 3 1/2 weeks...
  4. newchickmomma4

    Help! My 20 week old pullets have something wrong

    Thank you! The older birds leave these three alone for the most part. The smallest pullet (same age just smaller in stature and ironically the only one laying so far) is the only one that is still getting pecked by the "big girls". Thank you!!!! Will avian pox affect eggs if the other...
  5. newchickmomma4

    Help! My 20 week old pullets have something wrong

    Can anyone tell me what this is? And what do I do to treat it? 3 of my 4 pullets have it. My 3 adult hens and the newly laying pullet don't.
  6. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I don't think I've posted in a couple of days..... Monday, 9/1. 3/4 with 3 pullets still not laying Tues, 9/2. 2/4 Wed, 9/3 2/4 (so far, I am still holding out hope that my 2 1/2 year old BSL will still lay today. She needs to lay today to keep up her weekly average :))
  7. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2/4 today. My little Andy (the newly laying pullet) has layed 5 eggs in 5 days!!!!! Little girl deserves a day off! But she's a determined little darling. Same time every morning, same spot. What a good little girl!
  8. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    2/4 eggs today (4 eggs in 4 days from my new! And this is my absolute sweetest girl hands down! ). Can't wait for my other 3 pullets to start laying.
  9. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Fi Final count for the day......3/4
  10. newchickmomma4

    Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

    W4W did you have any damage from the earthquake?
  11. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    My daughter just cracked open the eggs to make herself some lunch and found that "Andy" our pullet that is currently laying has layed her 2nd double yolked egg in 3 days! 3 eggs 5 yolks :)
  12. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    So very very excited! So far today I have 2/4 (still not counting the 3 pullets that haven't started laying yet), my little BSL pullet has layed 3 days in a row now! And each time in the same spot right around the same time! What a good little girl :) I have another in the nest right now.
  13. newchickmomma4

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    How hot was it down your way today?
  14. newchickmomma4

    Flock integration question

    Thanks Mary, plenty of space, and two each feeders and waterers. Is it ok if I continue letting the big girls out alone in the morning for a while? How long does it take for them all to integrate? Now the roost that the pullets use is one in the run, should we have not left them their own...
  15. newchickmomma4

    Flock integration question

    Hi all, I have a question. In March we adopted a few 2 year old laying hens from a friend that could no longer care for them. At the end of April we bought 4 day old chicks. Raised the chicks in a brooder in the house and garage until they were 8 weeks old and it was consistently wa enough at...
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