Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I wish we could have some of your toads. We used to have toads around here until our town became part of the big city, now you won't see a one. Lucky to find even a lizard.

Same here. We used to see lots of them when I was a kid. Now it's very rare. Drought isn't helping either. Lizards we have in abundance!
ahh so nice to be back and have time to catch up! not that I went anywhere... just work rearing it's ugly head (again). I should write a poem, but my brain has fuzz on it from exhaustion. maybe later...

mortie & Hershy & JW - Congrats on the abundance of eggs!

CLindz, I'm so sorry to read about the dog attack. and just like the norm. it was your favorite. that's the worst part. it's always our favorite or the best one...

lindz, glad to hear that you've had no more losses - but sorry to hear about poor Zauk. it never ends does it?

OK - sorry to hear that you will be going through what I just did with MinMin... it's never easy... how's the brooding coming along? my Silkie Mama Gossamer has weaned herself from the chicks and has resumed laying. I have 5 of her 7 eggs (2 were hidden and filthy so I tossed them) in case she wants to brood one last time... she has about a week to make up her mind. Peach has weaned herself away too, but hasn't resumed laying yet.

MC, I'm with you about getting prepped for Winter. there is so much to finish - but I love to mow the lawn... the riding part is relaxing for me. the noise of the mower is greatly reduced by noise cancelling headphones...I love the smell of freshly cut orchard grasses... it's the weed whacking part I don't like. I don't have the stamina to do more than 15 minutes at a time. my arms just die and hang like rubbery useless tentacles.

my flock is molting too. feathers everywhere inside and out. but all are doing great and still producing anywhere from 10-18 eggs daily, I have 14 from today. the chicks are getting pretty big and the youngest baby (Big Broody's little one) is a boy. so... out of 7 chicks, I have 5 cockerels. 1 is a bantam Silkie mix. 1 is part NHR and the other 3 were all chipmunk pattern - now wondering if EE Royce x Buff Orpington hen is producing sexlinks. I'll find out next year I guess. so I'm kinda bumming for the lack of Winter Eggs. only 1 large fowl pullet and 1 bantam won't cut it... oh well.

I'll get pics up soon...
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RIP Big Broody. Found her dead this afternoon with her eight eggs still tucked gently under her. Tuesday would have been two weeks but she didnt make it. I suppose she was sick but all indications were she was broody. The familiar growl was there along with the pancake position over her eggs. She fooled me. Her last goal was to produce babies. It is sad. One of my best ever. I will miss her
RIP Big Broody. Found her dead this afternoon with her eight eggs still tucked gently under her. Tuesday would have been two weeks but she didnt make it. I suppose she was sick but all indications were she was broody. The familiar growl was there along with the pancake position over her eggs. She fooled me. Her last goal was to produce babies. It is sad. One of my best ever. I will miss her

RIP BB!!! You provided a lot of enjoyment on this thread and sounded like a great chicken!!!
Mowing is done. Despite most of the grass not being very tall, I was keeping an eye out for rabbits and other critters. Imagine my surprise and horror to discover I was running over toads! Poor things.
Is everyone outside? You guys are awfully quiet.
we have a lot of toads, but I have to keep on eye on my dog he likes to eat them then get sick, he di it twice, we must have 50 of them in our small burn
aw Big Broody, poor Mama and unhatched babies - any chance you could throw the eggs into the incubator or were they cold? so sad.

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