Recent content by newfy1

  1. newfy1

    Roo or not?

    6 mos
  2. newfy1

    Roo or not?

    6 mos
  3. newfy1

    Roo or not?

    6 mos
  4. newfy1

    Roo or not?

    6 mos
  5. newfy1

    Roo or not?

    I'm pretty sure but I got it from someone else who hatched it out.
  6. newfy1

    Roo or not?

    6 mos
  7. newfy1

    Roo or not?

    Roo or Hen?
  8. newfy1

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    So I hatched out these chickens from someone that was selling Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs. This is what I got. Do they look like Black Laced Red Wyandotte? Incubated 8 eggs, 6 hatched and 5 of them roosters! I contacted the person I bought the eggs from and she said they looked like Black...
  9. newfy1

    My DIY automatic chicken POP door opener/closer

    Could this be solar powered? I live in Florida and we have plenty of sun! Definitely going to build this, if I adapt it to solar will post.
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