Recent content by nocalroo

  1. nocalroo

    Do Chickens Mourn ?

    We just lost our rooster, Samson last night. Something got in the coop. He was the sweetest rooster we have ever had and the girls loved him. They are very quiet today. One of them was making a weird noise like a a cat. I'm guessing that is a grieving sound. One experience I have had is when I...
  2. nocalroo

    greenhouses, cold-frames, hoop-houses, winter-sowing, wha??????

    More than anything else if you are putting up plastic remember to make sure it is tight. No folds or creases these will tear repeat will tear in any kind of storm or high winds.
  3. nocalroo

    How to amend garden soil that's mostly clay?

    dig trenches 2'-3' wide and 12''-20'' deep remove the clay ad a layer of 2"-3" layer of large gravel for excess water to drain then add 4 parts soil conditioner, 1 part chicken manure, 1 part organic compost (leaf pile, kitchen scraps, coffee grounds), 1 part horse manure 1 part drainage...
  4. nocalroo

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    When will the marans and the SFH be hatching?
  5. nocalroo

    Hatching Eggs!!!: 40+ Breeds to choose from: Starting at $3/each

    I live an hour and a half west of Redding Ca. I was wondering if I could pick up a few chicks the next time I go to town? I am interested in your Swedish Flower,Favorelle and Marans. Thanks.
  6. nocalroo

    Kentucky people

    price them between $5-7
  7. nocalroo

    Kentucky people

    Farmers market in Boone county is in front of the extension office on Ky 18. Also there is one in Newport in front of Party Town liquor store.
  8. nocalroo

    Kentucky people

    Are they buckeyes
  9. nocalroo

    Hello! and welcome to the OEGB thread.

    I just got my first two OEGB today from an awesome lady named Sally east of Redding Ca. they are lavender colored very pretty. I was hanging out with them and the little lavender one she told me was named sally was very affectionate. i went in to have supper and when i went back outside she...
  10. nocalroo

    Kentucky people

    dry ridge is a funny place but i am sure it is growing out of control now my family once owned the little shrimp there.
  11. nocalroo

    Mixed breeds

    i have two blue wyandottes and two lavender oeg hens and a blue orpington rooster i was wondering what would come out of these mixes if i let the broody oeg set on them
  12. nocalroo

    Bantam Rhode Island Red Thread

    I am picking up three breeding pairs tomorrow 6 birds total. Do they lay well and do they go broody? my daughter wants them pretty bad and i have to oblige, just wondering what y'all think.
  13. nocalroo

    California - Northern

    Hey y'all I'm up in trinity and I'm looking for some meat birds anybody got any?
  14. nocalroo

    Kentucky people

    I'm glad there are ky people in the world. I moved to California in 2011 and just reading about red river gorge Lexington dry ridge fort wright louvoul got me missing home. Ain't nobody on the west coast understands us Kentucky folk. A breed of our own that's for sure, hoping I can come chat...
  15. nocalroo

    PULLETS & HENS~ UPDATE: (added 3 blue wheaten Ameraucana pullets) Wyandotte, Golden Cuckoo Marans, B

    I live in trinity but will be in sacramento on nov 16 th. I would like to get the buff brahma bantams from you. Thanks, Dave
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