Recent content by northeastfla

  1. northeastfla

    Nutrition and gender, and inducing broodiness

    Thanks for the replies... I think I may have "induced" my blue laced red by asking the question!!! She has been on the nest all day and squawks when I go in the coop. She can't have but MAYBE 1 or 2 eggs under her. Will she keep laying (if so, won't the eggs start to incubate???) or will she...
  2. northeastfla

    Nutrition and gender, and inducing broodiness

    I don't know if I missed your post... Did you have any success inducing broodiness?? If so, how??? Any help is appreciated!!! Thanks
  3. northeastfla

    Neck Wound (Large Skin Flap) - What should I do?

    Thank you for replying --- she is with the others, but I am afraid she is still traumatized from the ordeal (she has lost a few places in the pecking order and now sleeps with the younger chickens I have). She eats well and goes about with the other hens, but is very wary (almost aloof). Her...
  4. northeastfla

    Neck Wound (Large Skin Flap) - What should I do?

    So Sorry... AggieLADY... not Aggieland!!!! My apologies.
  5. northeastfla

    Neck Wound (Large Skin Flap) - What should I do?

    Hello Aggieland....I have a similar problem with my hen who was attacked by a dog. She has a large (larger than what yours had) neck skin flap (hanging down under her chin). Did you leave it alone or did you end up cutting it off??? What happened and how is your girl??? THANKS SO MUCH...
  6. northeastfla

    Can I cut away dead (hardened) skin from a one week neck wound on my hen?

    I know it is difficult to see... I could just trim the feathers, but I feel like the hardened skin is what is impeding her.
  7. northeastfla

    Can I cut away dead (hardened) skin from a one week neck wound on my hen?

    My hen received a severe wound from a dog bite which ripped away the skin from around her neck leaving a flap hanging under her chin. She may be traumatized still, but does not seem to want to bend down to eat or drink... she drinks but does not eat - one thought might be that now hardened skin...
  8. northeastfla

    Need Advice - Antibiotic recommendation for large chicken wound

    Hello there. I know it has been awhile since he accident with the bobcat, but did you hen make it??? I have a hen who had the skin taken off of her neck by a dog about a week ago. She doesn't eat much, but has been drinking water with electrolytes. I have tried yoghurt, scrambled (and hard...
  9. northeastfla

    Easter Egger question

    Unfortunately, I got them for a gift from someone who got them from Craigslist. Supposedly the guy who sold them got them from some hatchery but not sure where!
  10. northeastfla

    Easter Egger question

    Out of the 4 EE pullets I received only 1 of them hasn't had a medical needs - they are only 5 weeks old!!! Is there something about this breed OR maybe just the genetics of the 4 that I received?!?!?! Two have wry neck (one BAD); 1 has her middle toes pointed inward; and I think the pointed...
  11. northeastfla

    Help...1 week old chick with crusted over eye

    ONCE AGAIN...thanks for the advice - I will separate him and apply ointment!
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