Recent content by novaanne

  1. novaanne

    Is she a he?

    Yep, that's what her comb looks like! Thanks!
  2. novaanne

    Is she a he?

    They are only free range when supervised. I've never seen her stop long enough to lay. They have a large contained run and coop as well and i've checked the entire thing for hidden eggs. We are getting 7 eggs each day and only one is blue. Her comb is just like her sisters (kinda look likes...
  3. novaanne

    Is she a he?

    Heres her face. This is "Edgar Puffycheeks"
  4. novaanne

    Is she a he?

    Heres Edgar! See her feathers look roo. Her comb is small and not red like the others. Her sister has very little waddles, she has none.
  5. novaanne

    Is she a he?

    We got 8 chicks on March 1st from the local feed store. We were told they were all female. About 4 weeks ago they all started laying but one. We know she isn't laying because we have only 2 blue egg layers and we have actually seen the other one lay. We get one blue egg per day. The one...
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