Recent content by Novice Chick

  1. Novice Chick

    First 2 Eggs - but they laid them from their roost!

    Thank you all for the great advice! As far as my chicken's "happy dance", I think i finally realized it is more of a mating call, if you will.
  2. Novice Chick

    First 2 Eggs - but they laid them from their roost!

    Good Morning! My 6 hens are young, 4 months. I went into their coop this morning and to my surprise, there were 2 eggs on the floor of the coop! The eggs were damaged. Apparently, they had them while they were roosting. I am not sure which 1 or 2 of the 6 hens had the eggs. There are 4 nesting...
  3. Novice Chick

    Are Barred Rock Hens protective?

    I can post one later. Is there a characteristic i should be looking for?
  4. Novice Chick

    Are Barred Rock Hens protective?

    Hi! I am new to raising chickens. In March, I bought 6 RI Reds, whom I love, they are very sweet girls! I wanted to add a little variety to the group, so late April I added 1 Barred Rock (Millie) and 1 Arracauna (Gigi). A couple weeks ago Gigi was attacked by a hawk. I managed to save her...
  5. Novice Chick

    What's Everyone's Favorite Bedding?

    I am very new to this, as I have only had my chickens since April. I love the ideas I am hearing, especially the grass clippings in the run! In the coop, we use straw and pine shavings, only because I didn't know any better and I thought that's what you do! I read someone used sand, is that...
  6. Novice Chick

    Care for chick attacked by Hawk

    Thank you Henly11. I cleaned her wounds with peroxide and applied bag balm. Today she is still off-balance, but is slowly improving. I was able to check her over and the only open wound was on her back. I'm keeping her alone still and i'm hoping for the best..she is a sweet girl!
  7. Novice Chick

    Care for chick attacked by Hawk

    Hi everyone! First of all, let me say i am so glad i found this site, it has been so helpful with many questions I have had over the past few days as a new chicken owner. Here is my problem: Two days ago one of my young chicks, approximately 2 months old, was attacked by a hawk right in front of...
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