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  • Hi, how are you? :frow How's those silkie chicks, are they pullets or cocks yet?
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    Reactions: Oldegarlicshnapp
    I'm so so sorry about the false mention. :oops:
    Unfortunately two of the three died due to weak genetics. There were some issues apparent from day one that lead me to believe the breeder over breeds their product. The healthiest one hasn’t had any issues and it’s doing very well! It’s two weeks old now, so I’m not sure at the moment what gender it is. I’ll be sure to reply to this again once I figure it out!
    How horrible, I'm so sorry about that. :hugs I'm glad one is doing good at least, she's a very nice-looking girl! She does look like a girl in the face, that's how I usually sex my chicks, that and using the thick leg method.

    Over breeding so rude.
    I just wanted to say I’m sorry for everybody picking at each other in your thread. :hugs
    We all got competing on whose information made more sense and I hope you can forgive me!
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    Reactions: Oldegarlicshnapp
    I’m a little tired of random members jumping in on an unrelated post, but it’s whatever lol. I don’t blame you at all though! I can only assume there’s like a discord where folks are exchanging info, or there’s some stuff to this site I don’t understand yet.
    Thank you! :hugs Im glad.
    Pretty hen, what is she?
    Your hen is very beautiful in your profile!

    Thought I might post this here to avoid any disagreements. :)
    I read through your rooster situation, and I agree with others on the fact that you will need more than one hen, because chickens are like most other animals, and thrive with company from their own kind. So I would advise getting at least a couple more hens if you plan on getting one rooster.
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