Recent content by Patfish

  1. Patfish

    Jersey Giant?

    I spoke to the manager at the feed store where I got them today. She explained that the hatchery that they deal with did in fact accidentally send Dominiques instead of Jersey Giants. Thanks everyone for the help, I would have liked a few JG's but I am more than happy with the Dominiques.
  2. Patfish

    Jersey Giant?

    Here is a better pic of the one I think might be a male.
  3. Patfish

    Jersey Giant?

    Hi, my family recently got 8 chicks. 2 of them were supposed to be Black Jersey Giants. They are 4 weeks old now and don't look like any pictures of Jersey Giants I have seen. Can someone offer some insight? Also one looks like it may be a male, am I right? Thanks.
  4. Patfish

    Why is my chicken laying soft eggs?

    So I have a small flock of 3. Recently 2 of the 3 have developed laying problems. One stopped laying all together and another only lays soft shelled eggs. This has been going on for almost 2 months. The chickens are not quite 24 months, I feed layer feed, scratch, Oyster Shells, and assorted...
  5. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    Ok day 10 still runny poop. Any other suggestions?
  6. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    So how do I know if it worked?
  7. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    Thank you very much!
  8. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    Kathy, I am having a hell of a time finding out how to dose them with the paste. I got the SafeGuard 25 Gram paste, 100mg/g. Do I separate each of them and mix it in some oatmeal for each? I am sorry for the dumb questions, I can't help it.
  9. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    OK I went out and got the SafeGuard and will give it to them tonight probably once they all retreat into the house and I can corner them each. I hope you understand that as an absolute Newbie who has only had chickens for 6 months and has only been getting eggs for three weeks I am less than...
  10. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    I am still worried about my girls, this is what came out of my Red today. How long should I wait for the dewormer to work?
  11. Patfish

    concerned about my chickens in the freezing weather

    I have RiR's and an EE, it has been below zero here for the past few days and the Petroleum Jelly and ensuring the water is not frozen seem to be the key. I give my girls warm Oatmeal as a treat to help keep them warm also, they love it.
  12. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    Well I bought some dewormer and have been feeding yogurt. This is the stuff I bought, the nice people at Agway said they use it. It says that you don't have to stop eating the eggs at all. Also a second chicken has "The Runs" it appears brown and runny.
  13. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    Update here is a poop from today. Are those worms? Are her eggs still safe to eat? Eggcessive where do I get that chart, I am not seeing it in your post.
  14. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    Thanks I will give it a try. The weather here has been between 25 and 45 F so I didn't think she would be drinking to cool herself. I will try the de-wormer and yogurt.
  15. Patfish

    Diarrea help

    Hello, I have a EEer who has laid her first 2 eggs over the last 3 days. I have also noticed she has had diarrea for the past week or so. At first I thought they were just cecal poops but now I am not sure. She seems to be eating and drinking fine otherwise and is active in the coop and run. Can...
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