Recent content by PEIchickenlady

  1. PEIchickenlady

    Chicken sticking neck out and opening mouth wide

    How'd it turn out? I had a hen die today with these symptoms. I'm hoping whatever it was doesn't spread to my other birds.
  2. PEIchickenlady

    The Bantam Thread!

    My Banty Roo and little hen, my best guess they are some type of old English game perhaps? They are both about 2.5 months old. [/quo Adorable! Cool feeders!
  3. PEIchickenlady

    Black sex link thread!!! Pics and info!

    Beautiful, thanks for sharing.
  4. PEIchickenlady

    The Bantam Thread!

    This is only picture I can find of them. You may want to consider what egg size you want too. The gold hens eggs are small and larger bantams, like my black one, have a better sized egg for eating.
  5. PEIchickenlady

    The Bantam Thread!

    I'm not sure about many breeds, but my OE game hen and a black sex-link hen lay a lot of eggs. My black one is almost laying one a day her first summer laying.
  6. PEIchickenlady

    The Bantam Thread!

    She is beautiful!
  7. PEIchickenlady

    The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

    Hi. Thanks for your response. I'll get some better pictures up soon. They were a mix, not sure exactly of what. One hen that may be a mother was a pure OE game hen but out of 6 chicks I'm not sure if one of these was hers or not. The Rooster that sired them was a mix (larger slightly in the body...
  8. PEIchickenlady

    The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

    6 week old bantams. The barred one's comb is worrying me.
  9. PEIchickenlady

    broken toe

    Thanks for the reply :) Mine is also doing better, looks awful though. Crooked.
  10. PEIchickenlady

    broken toe

    How did it turn out? I have a hen that recently broke her toe. I'm worried about her. She is able to roost, so I have hope.
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