broken toe

My broken toed girl is also doing fine. The foot looks a little wonky upon close inspection, but I really have to search for her among the entire flock. She isn't limping at all and seems to be getting along just fine. Phew! :)
Hi, I've got a Light Sussex girlie, Elsie, who broke her middle toe, right foot, after being given the run around by a neighbours cat. She caught it on a piece of fence she was jumping:( it was quite badly bruised too and was obviously giving her a lot of pain. I gave her 2.5mls of metacam for this, wrapped her in a towel, flipped her on her back which for some reason immediately calms my girls and cleaned her foot with hibiscrub ( the skin wasn't broken). Her toe was broken in 2 places but not on the joints luckily. I didn't splint it, just used self adhesive 'vet wrap' cut to size, and wrapped 2layers around her toe and 1 layer up and around the lower part of her leg to stop it slipping off. I'm still giving her metacam 2.5mls once a day for the pain, cos they DO feel pain!! She didn't like it at first (!?) and obs hobbled quite badly for the first week, laying down to peck at the grass around her etc , but we're 11 days on now and she's walking better, getting up in to the coop to lay and go to bed at night herself now , so fingers crossed she's going to heal ok. :0)
I'm so glad I saw this and that you posted, pettrish. I have a gal who broke her toe--I suspect a horse stepped on her. I was wondering how long the healing process was. Pretty sure her middle toe is broken. It happened some time after 2pm on Thursday. It's now Sunday morning. The bruising is mostly gone, but she's really hobbling badly. Not eating a whole lot, but she's also not moving a whole lot. She's eating grapes, watermelon, cheese, chicken crumbles mixed with aloe juice. I'm going to get some poly-vi-sol today. She eats better when I hand feed her out in the kitchen, so I take her out of her dog kennel/hospital in the bedroom 3X a day and hand feed her. I wasn't sure how long it takes for them to heal from this, so at least I have some rough idea for her now. thanks for that!
Hey guys I have a guinea hen with a fractured toe I think. I thought it was just sprained but it's been about a week and she's still not better. I've kept her in a little cage in the garage but I think I should splint it. Any more ideas?

Hey guys I have a guinea hen with a fractured toe I think. I thought it was just sprained but it's been about a week and she's still not better. I've kept her in a little cage in the garage but I think I should splint it. Any more ideas?


How did it turn out? I have a hen that recently broke her toe. I'm worried about her. She is able to roost, so I have hope.
How did it turn out? I have a hen that recently broke her toe. I'm worried about her. She is able to roost, so I have hope.

I'm so sorry for the late reply. She recovered completely even though the first night we saw her limping we left her in the coop because we were busy. She was roosting. The next day she awas worse so we took her into the garage (any short place where she can't roost is fine) and we let her out during the day. Eventually we bandaged up her foot with band aids and cotton wool and we gave her a bit of homeopathy remedy. The main thing you want is to keep her from roosting especially up high and definitely not going up trees. Broken toes aren't really a big deal as they can get along fine with a toe that healed wrong. Hope this helps! :)
Thanks for the reply :) Mine is also doing better, looks awful though. Crooked.

I'm so sorry for the late reply. She recovered completely even though the first night we saw her limping we left her in the coop because we were busy. She was roosting. The next day she awas worse so we took her into the garage (any short place where she can't roost is fine) and we let her out during the day. Eventually we bandaged up her foot with band aids and cotton wool and we gave her a bit of homeopathy remedy. The main thing you want is to keep her from roosting especially up high and definitely not going up trees. Broken toes aren't really a big deal as they can get along fine with a toe that healed wrong. Hope this helps! :)
I was wondering about some ideas on this subject also. I have a 3 year old BO rooster weighs about 9 lbs (big boy). We noticed a few days ago that he has been limping and favoring his right leg. We were watching him closely today and noticed that when he tries to walk, his middle toe kind of tangles. (It is not crooked in anyway). Therefore we're thinking that maybe he broke it somehow. His leg itself doesn't seem to be swollen or broken. He is spending more time sitting and he is not roosting so I know it really bothers him. He is a very fussy rooster and doesn't like anyone to get to close to him especially my husband. I can pet him when he's roosting in the evening but not pick him up and that's the extent of our closeness.

Anyway I was reading these threads and still trying to figure the best way to handle this since we can't get too close to him. It upsets me to see him like this and don't know what to do. Any experienced help is appreciated. Is just tapping a better way to go verses splinting?? That's if we can even manage to grab him up. I don't know!! Help!!

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