Recent content by piercesdesigns

  1. piercesdesigns

    My chicks jump for their treats <video>

    My girls almost act like dogs instead of chickens. People tell me it is unusual to have chickens this tame. I have no idea. These are my first.
  2. piercesdesigns

    My chicks jump for their treats <video>

    My silly girls. I live in a very urban neighborhood. I am actually only 4 miles from our downtown. I love that my neighbors have been accepting.
  3. piercesdesigns

    Putting the girls to bed

    My nonchicken friends say it is really strange that they follow me around like that. LOL I have never had chickens before so I don't know any different.
  4. piercesdesigns

    Surprise guest in the chicken coop.

    I am part of parrot rescue. I can connect you with someone to rescue him/her.
  5. piercesdesigns

    Putting the girls to bed

    Me, putting the girls to bed.
  6. piercesdesigns

    My husand did NOT want chickens

    He is so proud to tell everyone that we have chickens now. I came home from work today and there were 6 people in the backyard and he was showing them the coop and girls.
  7. piercesdesigns

    My husand did NOT want chickens

    My husband grew up living and working on a huge battery chicken egg production "farm". 52,000 chickens every X months. He really really did not want chickens. I finally wore him down and we now have 4 Buff Orps. He built them a beautiful chicken palace. Today he was home from work, and I...
  8. piercesdesigns

    My chickens chase my dog!

    I am very new to chickens. I have 4 about 11 week old Buff Orps. I love my girls. They love to come out and free-range in our yard. Since my dogs are trained to not even look at my parrots I began letting the dogs out while the chickens were out. My extremely fluffy sheltie will be...
  9. piercesdesigns

    I Have the Smartest Chickens Ever!

    My girls did it last night for the first time too. I called my husband to tell him. You'd think it was our kids taking their first steps. LOLOL
  10. piercesdesigns

    My girls went on their first girls are growing up!

    Thank you! Can you believe they are only about 10 weeks old? My chicks seem much more developed than some. I must be feeding them too much. LOL
  11. piercesdesigns

    My girls went on their first girls are growing up!

    My girls went on their first free-range walkabout tonight. They were so cute. When it came time to put them up, I went into their coop and shook the mealworm bag. It was like a chickie stampede!
  12. piercesdesigns

    When/how will my chicks learn to go up to roost?

    They are about 8 weeks.
  13. piercesdesigns

    When/how will my chicks learn to go up to roost?

    Should I keep putting them up there manually? It gets down to about 45 at night and don't like the idea of them exposed.
  14. piercesdesigns

    When/how will my chicks learn to go up to roost?

    OK, the girls have been out since last week. Every night, I go out and pick them up and put them into the hen house. They stay once I put them up there if it is dark. They do know to come down in the morning. Will they ever learn to go up? How can I help them.
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