Recent content by prahatexas

  1. prahatexas

    Old Fashion meat chickens!!

    I have some Leghorn x Rocks. will they make good meat chickens!! I also want to raise them the old fashion way for better flavor! Any suggestions!
  2. prahatexas

    My Meatie Project - Frustrating Start

    If you live in or around Texas try Ideal Poultry. I have had good luck with them!! They are in Cameron!!
  3. prahatexas

    Look what we got today =)

    I live in a rural community and my chickens terrorize the neighborhood. One did not come home. I assumed she was eaten! A week or so later I go outside and hear chirping, I look down and it is Mrs. Peaz with 5 chicks! She is the only one who cares about her eggs. We are having fun raising them...
  4. prahatexas

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I have six breeds. Buff Orpingtons are my favorite. Anyone who wants a pet chicken needs this one. I have one that looks like a pumpkin walking through my pasture. Very sweet l ove em!
  5. prahatexas

    Poop looks likemtar!

    I am a newbie. I am not sure which one but poop looks like tar or thick molasses also the color of molasses. They are acting normal. I had some organic fertilizer out. Could they have eaten that???
  6. prahatexas

    What dog breed is best at guarding the farm and chickens?

    I have a Border Collie mix. She went and got them yesterday from across the street. Takes good care of them. I am told though some BC are too aggressive.
  7. prahatexas

    Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

    They are all named and loved as pets! Ginger, Snap, Cinnamon, Bun, Chickers, Peas, Midnight, Shadow, Buffy, Buttercup and Soxs.
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