Recent content by Primeacres

  1. Primeacres

    my chicken smells like a wet dog .... whats wrong ?

    Hi Guys, I had a problem in the coop this evening , bit of a fight going on between two chucks who just do not get along for long without a commotion every now and then, my usual trend is to pick each chuck up then put them back on the roosting spots and it diffuses the situation, problem is I...
  2. Primeacres

    Life after a fox attack - do they return?

    HOW DID YOU TRAP THE FOX AND WHAT BAIT DID YOU USE? Trapping foxes with a fox cage trap is not as easy as it sounds, you need to take a lot of things into consideration as the fox is wild so will be suspicious of new 'things or cages' appearing over night or since the last visit. Ideally the...
  3. Primeacres

    Life after a fox attack - do they return?

    Woodmort. Not sure if you are asking what a Buzzard is or whether Buzzards are a threat to Chickens or if they are lightning fast as a predator ?
  4. Primeacres

    Life after a fox attack - do they return?

    They are lightning quick as you say, buzzards, hawks, foxes, anything predatory is patient and quick and trying to tell people without chickens what goes on in your yard or field can be hard work as many people simply do not understand, even many supposed 'experts'.
  5. Primeacres

    Needing advice! Thinking about letting our girls free range...

    You could always ask the neighbour to take the dogs teeth out. A gummy bite would be fine then you wouldn't have to clip the chucks wings and they could still be free range.
  6. Primeacres

    Needing advice! Thinking about letting our girls free range...

    Initially we penned our new chucks in as we thought they may run away, 1st day one chuck was up and over the wire and that was it, they were all free range from day one.
  7. Primeacres

    What's wrong with my girls?

    Have been living in a garage rural Scotland for a year now, about 12 miles from a petrol station, we moved here moved from West Lothian in northern India, as you can see from the snowman, it can get very cold. Brrrrr
  8. Primeacres

    Life after a fox attack - do they return?

    Fox cage traps , ie strong metal cages, similar to the image of the caged fox in this thread are perfect for catching foxes near the run with bait in it. They are heavy though and require two to carry just the cage. Local farmers normally have one lying around if you are cheeky enough to ask if...
  9. Primeacres

    Help with de-beaking....sort of

    Wow, so many cross beaks in chickens, I personally had no idea it was that bad.
  10. Primeacres

    What's wrong with my girls?

    I know what you mean.
  11. Primeacres

    What's wrong with my girls?

    Are the Hawks a constant threat to your chucks ?
  12. Primeacres

    What's wrong with my girls?

    I am no expert but from my own experience I'm guessing your main problem is in the hen house.
  13. Primeacres

    What's wrong with my girls?

    Hi Kathy, Anychance you could mention more about your birds please. Are they all the same breed ? I don't suppose you have you introduced any new birds to the main flock recently ? Do you have any broody hens ? Have you noticed any hens staying in the hen house longer than normal ? Have they...
  14. Primeacres

    Help with de-beaking....sort of

    Morning Chicken Mom, The whole cross beak thing, what do you think ?
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