Recent content by Prissychicken

  1. Prissychicken

    raspy breathing and sneezing in a few of my hens

    Thanks everyone! I went this morning and and got terramycin from the feed store so hopefully they'll start to get better. I use the DE in their coop and run to help with the smell of their poop and it also helps to keep them from getting mites and keeps the ants out of their pen. We also put...
  2. Prissychicken

    raspy breathing and sneezing in a few of my hens

    We started letting them free range in the yard after their bedding flooded from the rain, we've actually removed all the bedding from their run and coop and they haven't been sleeping in there for about a week now they've been leeching themselves on my patio at night. We use a clean sand bottom...
  3. Prissychicken

    raspy breathing and sneezing in a few of my hens

    I live in Phoenix and monsoon season has hit. After a few days of rain I noticed a few of my hens, I have 6, started to sneeze a little. Well now they've progressed to some raspy breathing, and some mucousy nostrils. What is it? The chicken equivalent of a cold or is it something more serious...
  4. Prissychicken


    Idk about the ants in the nesting box but there are many thing you can do naturally to keep them out of the coop and run. Diatomaceous earth, the kind for your pool or garden, sprinkled around the perimeter will kill them, also cinnamon and cayenne are natural repellants. Also any of these...
  5. Prissychicken

    Chickens in Glendale, AZ - We're on the right track!

    Pratt's pets on 53rd ave and Glendale! They are awesome I'm sure they would let us put up a flier or something.
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