Qwerty3159's latest activity

  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 reacted to cavemanrich's post in the thread Pigeon Talk with Like Like.
    I have been reading, and following your Luv-Child pigeon story... and really enjoying,, and glad you are nursing him back to health...
  • Qwerty3159
    Unfortunately that is very common with cat-caught animals, in addition to almost guaranteed infection even from small, easily missed...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 reacted to SilverBirds's post in the thread Baby sparrow with Like Like.
    Are you able to reach and put it back in the nest?
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 replied to the thread Baby sparrow.
    No wildlife rehab in the area? They are trained and experienced and will be able to do a better job than any of us on here.
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 replied to the thread Pigeon Talk.
    That’s a good clean up crew! The only birds I keep at the moment are pigeons so I had to do away with wire floor coops, the wasted seed...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 replied to the thread Pigeon Talk.
    Very wet droppings today from the squab, not nice lumps as the day before. I think I let him have a little tooo much water yesterday...
  • Qwerty3159
    Hi everyone, I found this pigeon in our driveway on our farm and I caught it and kept it in my aviary with my quails. I think it's a...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 reacted to Amer's post in the thread Pigeon Talk with Haha Haha.
    I swear the pigeons gave me the same expression as a spoiled child watching for someone cut the crust off their bread.
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 reacted to Amer's post in the thread Pigeon Talk with Like Like.
    Picky pigeons WILL NOT eat wet food They wait by the door anxiously watching as I scoop out the wet food (it stormed yesterday night)...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 reacted to sourland's post in the thread Pigeon Talk with Like Like.
    In my experience homers were far more territorial.
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 reacted to LamarshFish's post in the thread Oddball question with Like Like.
    For the most part, not really. Even tame pigeons don't love to be handled a lot. There are always exceptions, but on average they are...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 replied to the thread Oddball question.
    Yeah they don’t see to get too affectionate. If anything a close bond can lead to what we would perceive as aggression with your hen or...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 replied to the thread Pigeon Talk.
    I think a good drink after feeding is reasonable. I gave him a big drink this morning because his crop wasn’t totally emptied, which I...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 reacted to sourland's post in the thread Pigeon Talk with Like Like.
    Maybe a good long drink after each feeding? I'm not sure about this. My roller cocks were all good feeders. I would put all fully...
  • Qwerty3159
    Qwerty3159 replied to the thread Pigeon Talk.
    That makes sense, with most of my pairs the hen still contributes but it would make sense that’s what occurred this time. Thing is I...
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