Recent content by Rabohwa

  1. Rabohwa


    Hello everyone, I'm Rabohwa from Centurion in South Africa and would like to try to keep some chickens for organic eggs and meat just for the family. We live on a plot and there is enough space for about 40 - 50 chickens.
  2. Rabohwa

    I would like to start with 45 laying chickens and maybe 5 roosters. How big should the coop be. I have a big yard which I can always let the them run

    I would like to start with 45 laying chickens and maybe 5 roosters. How big should the coop be. I have partitioned the yard and there is at least 4 000 sq.m they can always run in. The coop is mainly to keep the predators away at night and for laying booths.
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