Recent content by Rachael<3Chickies

  1. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    I guess everyone fine now... They seem healthy and are handling the heat wave we just had like it’s nothing... Im not sure what happened, but I would guess something acute like aflatoxin from excess food being left on wet ground when the temperatures started to get warm enough to grow that...
  2. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    So far so good. Still improving some things and keeping a close eye on them. The last deaths were a week apart so we’ll see. For what it’s worth, I don’t see any signs of illness...
  3. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Thanks and awesome setup. The comb isn’t heat stress or dehydration in this case so we can eliminate that. I’m saying this confidently because I’d had these chickens a few summers and I’ve seen them hot and they’re not hot at all. And he has had fresh water provided by me for the past three...
  4. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Yea only lesion visible is that one on him. The dead birds didn’t have lesions on their combs.
  5. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Now I’m worried about fowl pox. I know the dry pox are black but here’s another pic anyways
  6. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Maybe I’m just getting paranoid but just throwing this out there.. This is just a normal lesion right? I’ve been putting chicken wound disinfectant stuff on it for a week or so.
  7. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Thanks for the congrats! And for the suggestions. I will be making all the improvements i can for them.
  8. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Thank you for the congrats! And thanks for the info on shipping and fecal. I actually do know a vet who does that. To be blunt, yes they have water and food but no it isn’t to standard. The food is poured in amounts more than they can eat on ground that doesn’t drain well, and the water is in...
  9. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Everyone is still alive right now. The roosters comb is faintly tinged black. This concerns me because the dead rooster had a very dark comb when found dead.
  10. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Sorry the pics are sideways. The coop usually has a nestbox top I took it out today because I didn’t want them in the run where there’s food. That poop is odd. Also that chickens vent is sorta like she’s trying to poop and it looks like there’s evidence of diarrhea stuck to her feathers. No ones...
  11. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Well. I guess I’ll also spray them tomorrow. I have some permethrin spray for horse and poultry. It makes me nervous to use chemicals honestly I’m always afraid I’ll spray too much but I guess I have to do something about the lice then Besides DE.
  12. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Can they seem perfectly fine and just kinda die from lice or would there be some kind of symptoms before death?
  13. Rachael<3Chickies

    Chickens dying suddenly without cause

    Yea I will. They have space but it’s takes a long time to dry out and be hygienic.
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