Recent content by Rainey Ranch

  1. Rainey Ranch

    Number of nest boxes for 6 hens

    About 2-4, 2 for the amout you have, put if you plan on getting more i would put in 4.. 4-6 hens per 1 nesting box. but hens seem to like to use the same box.
  2. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    yes, have a well vented coop..
  3. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    3-5 hens per nesting box, all 6 of our hens use 2 boxes. (some days one)
  4. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    Yes, make sure they have room outside aswell:)
  5. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    now if they are free range, you could probably do 2-3 square feet per chicken..
  6. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    chicken coop 4 square feet run 8 square feet bantam coop 2 square feet run 6 square feet Ive read this in a book, and on many websites. About the pine, I have never used pine, ever seince i have had my chickens ive always used straw in the coop, with pullets/chicks , ive always used pine...
  7. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    they free range alot though.
  8. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    8, will have 14 in there soon.
  9. Rainey Ranch

    Our Backyard Farm Chickens

    Ricky, One of our Bantam roosters. Elfis, Our other Bantam Rooster. Poofy. Sparkle, a New Hamshire Red Lucy, a Rhode Island Red Mustang, (on the left) A New Hamshire Red, Marley (On the right) A Cornish Rock
  10. Rainey Ranch

    HELP!! Can I introduce 2 day old chicks to a hen that is already raising a 2 week old chick??

    from what i have heard You will have to introduce new chicks to the hens at about 10-12 weeks.
  11. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    How do you put that bottom message Listed below, Sorry im new "I don't get better with age, only more confused(ing)."
  12. Rainey Ranch

    how often do i need to clean??

    I rake their droppings out every day usually, my bedding is about 3-6 inches, we have a 8x8 coop. i take all the hay out ever month usually, and replace the nesting hay about every 2 weeks..
  13. Rainey Ranch

    When to move 3 week old chicks into a coop

    Yes, we built a small coop on wheels so we could move them outside in the day time, we put screen on the top because they would fly out, never again, we will have to keep our chicks in the garage again for 12 weeks, so we can move them in with the full grown hens and roosters....
  14. Rainey Ranch

    Why did you get your first chickens?

    Last year at TSC we saw ChickDays. We have always wanted to have a small farm, garden, chickens, fruit trees, bees, we have all of thoes now. So last year we got 6 hens, 2 bantam roosters, we biult our huge chicken coop, we call it the chilton. So we fell in love with our flock, this year we got...
  15. Rainey Ranch

    When to move 3 week old chicks into a coop

    We put our Chickens in the coop at about 12 weeks, we had to wait to finish building our coop so we built a small coop in the garage to keep them in until the main coop was finished. but I've read about 4-6 weeks..
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