Recent content by Ranger Daryl

  1. Ranger Daryl

    7th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2016 Hatch-A-Long

    I'm planning on setting eggs, hoping for a repeat of my 100% hatch this week.
  2. Ranger Daryl

    My dog killed my chicks

    I have a sheltie that loves chicks, she's laying by the brooder with her nose touching the plastic as I type this. She hates chickens but loves to herd them around the yard, my last meat birds followed her around like she was their mama. My english setter is interested in the chicks, but they...
  3. Ranger Daryl

    I have a bald baby.

    I've actually experienced an interesting genetic anomaly myself, mine involves toes. Years ago, I was given a hen missing her middle toenails. Skip ahead to last winter, I decided to hatch a dozen of my eggs, since I had just gotten rid of my rooster. Only one chick hatched, turned out he was...
  4. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    They're in the brooder now, and their surrogate mama(our 7 year old rescue Sheltie) has taken over. Whenever I have chicks in the brooder she will walk over and lay down next to it with her nose just touching the brooder. She always hears the chicks in the incubator before we ever do. It is...
  5. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    They won't stay still. Lol. Everyone is doing great. I've never gotten above 50% hatch rate, it's like everything clicked on this go round. I've got the brooder ready to go will be moving them later tonight. The last one to hatch has got huge fat toed feet. The middle toes are actually shorter...
  6. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    Came home on lunch(perk of working 10 minutes from home) and chick #10 has hatched but appears to be dragging its egg around by membrane/umbilical cord? The humidity had shot up to 80, I pulled all the plugs to get the humidity down. I am assuming this should dry up and pull free right. This...
  7. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    This morning when I woke up, there were 9 chicks in the incubator. I'm still waiting on one more that has pipped but has not zipped yet. I am just going to leave them all in the incubator today while I am at work and hopefully there will be 10 when I get home today. It would be awesome to...
  8. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    Hatch update, I have two Silkie cross hatchlings so far, one black skinned grey chick and one white skinned white/brown chick. Both have 5 toes. I use the little baskets to separate the eggs out by known breed when doing multiples and it seems to work pretty good.
  9. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    Oh yeah I did that on day 18. I have patiently left them alone since then. This is my first hatch with an auto turner, I'm wondering if that has made the difference in the number of eggs making it to lockdown.
  10. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    I'm in Florida :) the inside humidity in my house is 60 lol. So I don't think I will have much trouble.
  11. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    Every egg now appears to have an external pip and my humid you has climbed to 68 and the windows are fogged over with condensation. Still good or should I pull one of the red plugs on top?
  12. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    This morning, five out of 10 eggs have externally pipped. My humidity is hovering around 64%, is this ok for hatching or should I try to get it up?
  13. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    All 10 eggs appear to have internally pipped and they're all rocking back and forth in the incubator, they were set around 3pm 20 days ago. So I am hoping that I get home from work to an incubator full of chicks tomorrow. This has the potential to be the best hatch I've ever had. I've never had...
  14. Ranger Daryl

    Accidental hatch going into lockdown tomorrow

    Last month I noticed a decline in egg production over the course of several days. I didn't think anything of it since I figured it was getting close to time for a molt. While clearing brush one day, I discovered a pile of eggs in a scratched out hole. Not knowing how long the eggs were there...
  15. Ranger Daryl

    First time

    Seems like I was misinformed about these eggs. After talking with the person I got the eggs from they are actually Easter eggers. She used Easter egger/ameraucana universally while talking about them. Some of her chickens lay blue eggs, some pink , and some green.
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